Terminal setup

Art Wagner awagner@uswest.net
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:52:37 -0700

Ain't got no stinkin modem.
Ain't got no stinkin control lines
Ain't got no stinkin flow control
Just three wires at each end. a. TxD & b. RxD and c. SigGnd
a. & b. swapped in the cable. ie the world's simplest null modem.
wouldn't use the stinkin SigGnd but I hate sparkin and flashin and popin.

Jason wrote:
> Art Wagner wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I've got a problem for you folks to consider and play with;
> > I have a brand new Cisco 675 router I have to setup.  The initial
> > setup of the username and password MUST be done through
> > the serial port of the Cisco at 9600 8N1, via a null modem cable.
> > The problem is I can't get minicom to stop thinking it is driving
> > a modem. What I really need is a way to make my Linux system
> > think it is a dumb serial terminal connected via a null modem
> > cable to another system (the Cisco) via /dev/ttyS0 at 9600 baud
> > 8bits, no parity, 1 stopbit (8N1). I have played with minicom
> > but I can't seem to get it to connect. I really want to solve
> > this without reinstalling WinXXXX. I set my old Cisco up with
> > Windoze but I have since blown w95 away. Any help greatly
> > appreciated...
> > Art
> Sounds like a flow control issue. Minicom may be wanting certain RS232
> signals to be "high" before it thinks its OK to send a character. Your
> serial hardware may also be doing it... perhaps hardware flow control
> is turned on? (man setserial). Having one of those RS232-testers with
> 7 red LEDs on it to show the state of all the signals (they have or
> had them at Radio Shack) is always helpful in these cases.
> Minicom should work fine for this purpose (and many others) if you
> completely remove the modem initialization script. My minicom starts
> up without one, at which point I can type AT commands to the modem. I
> used it to configure the modems NVRAM to my liking after purchase.
> --
> jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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