Terminal setup

Jason jkenner@mindspring.com
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:39:04 -0700

Art Wagner wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got a problem for you folks to consider and play with;
> I have a brand new Cisco 675 router I have to setup.  The initial
> setup of the username and password MUST be done through
> the serial port of the Cisco at 9600 8N1, via a null modem cable.
> The problem is I can't get minicom to stop thinking it is driving
> a modem. What I really need is a way to make my Linux system
> think it is a dumb serial terminal connected via a null modem
> cable to another system (the Cisco) via /dev/ttyS0 at 9600 baud
> 8bits, no parity, 1 stopbit (8N1). I have played with minicom
> but I can't seem to get it to connect. I really want to solve
> this without reinstalling WinXXXX. I set my old Cisco up with
> Windoze but I have since blown w95 away. Any help greatly
> appreciated...
> Art

Sounds like a flow control issue. Minicom may be wanting certain RS232
signals to be "high" before it thinks its OK to send a character. Your
serial hardware may also be doing it... perhaps hardware flow control
is turned on? (man setserial). Having one of those RS232-testers with
7 red LEDs on it to show the state of all the signals (they have or
had them at Radio Shack) is always helpful in these cases.

Minicom should work fine for this purpose (and many others) if you
completely remove the modem initialization script. My minicom starts
up without one, at which point I can type AT commands to the modem. I
used it to configure the modems NVRAM to my liking after purchase.

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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