Storm Linux Install Problems

Sat, 23 Sep 2000 16:35:19 -0700 (MST)

Am 19. Sep, 2000 schwäzte David Demland so:

> Has anyone installed Storm Linux. I am trying to put together a Firewall for
> our T1. I wanted a Debian version of Linux because of what I have read here
> about it for security. When installing all has seemed to go well until the
> computer reboots. When the syslogd is started the computer hangs. I have
> tried a custom install was well as the regular install. In all cases the
> reboot hangs.

syslog shouldn't hang unless you've got it set to try to log to another
box. You answered to Joel that this only happens on the first reboot and
not on consecutive reboots, so I presume that isn't the prob.

OTOH, there was a security update for sysklogd earlier this week. You
might want to grab that.

Add "deb stable/updates main contrib
non-free" to your /etc/apt/sources.list. Then go grab the security
fixes. There are a few at this point. You shouldn't need the one for
netscape since you're running a firewall :).

Also, looks at the debian buglist for sysklogd. Don't know if storm has
something similar.

BTW, I know syslogd is in sysklogd due to the security update, but
normally one would do the following.

sh-2.01$ dpkg -S `type -p syslogd`
sysklogd: /sbin/syslogd


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