Did you send me mail?

Cindy Fox cindyfox@azcts.com
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 08:53:05 -0700


I just wanted to send a note out that my cindyfox@home.com email has been
down all day yesterday and is still down.  If you sent me mail, I did not
get it.  I am still on hold with Cox and do not know when I will hear from
them.  :)

Please resend to cindyfox@azcts.com if you need me to respond today or soon
as I do not know when I will get email service back on my other account.  If
you just sent me a funny, don't worry, I'll see it.  :)

I am mostly concerned with clients and also would appreciate your changing
my email address in your book for future sendings.

Thanks!  :)  c.


Cindy Fox
Computer Training Solutions
(602) 692-8923