High speed networking

Kevin Buettner kev@primenet.com
Fri, 26 May 2000 10:48:30 -0700

On May 26, 10:28am, Kevin Buettner wrote:

> ..., so you might
> want to also look at ordinary gigabit ethernet.  See
>     http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/

I just remembered...  Donald Becker has left NASA and formed his own
company.  A better site is:


And, for gigabit ethernet info, see:


(BTW, I spoke with Donald last summer at USENIX.  I was concerned
that, having left NASA to form his own business, he might no longer
have time to write Linux ethernet drivers.  He reassured me that the
work would go on.  The consulting that he was going to (or at least
hoping to) do would be for very well-heeled customers like government
labs building Beowulf clusters.  Also, the driver situation has
changed considerably since the days when he'd have to beg a vendor for
documentation so that he could write a driver; because of Linux's
visibility these days, documentation and even boards are easy to come
by.  Also, many vendors are now writing their own drivers, though,
unfortunately, they aren't always open source.)