
Kevin Buettner kev@primenet.com
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 20:06:12 -0700

On Jun 29,  5:49pm, Joel Dudley wrote:

> I am trying to push VNC but everyone here complains that it is a lot slower
> than PCanywhere from their modem's at home.  The babies gotta have a
> bazillion colors and all they do is look at code.  Doesn't make sense but,
> alas, I am a lowly admin.  What do I know :-p

If they're just looking at code, they could run the editor / IDE /
whatever on the local machine and keep a copy of the sources checked
out locally.  I've also had good experiences with rsync (which may be
used with ssh) for keeping local/remote sources synchronized.

(I was on a project for a couple of weeks in February in which I would
edit the sources on my local machine, rsync with some build machines
in Sunnyvale, do my build, test, and repeat.  Sometimes I'd put a
quick fix in on the Sunnyvale side of things, but rsync can be made to
synchronize in both directions.)
