Caldera Vs Red Hat Vs Debian
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 07:20:48 -0700

We are looking to implement a clustered web server solution. Several
webservers would connect to a MySQL server.  I would like input on the

1. Which would be the cleanest/most reliable method of configuration:
	A. 3-4 mirrored servers where a change on the master is replicated
to the others.
	B. 3-4 servers accessing a shared RAID system (either NFS/GFS/etc)
to share the docroot

2. Which distribution would support this configuration the cleanest/easiest?
Caldera/RedHat/Debian   and Why?

3. What hardware would be recommended? Currently they are 1-2 processor
P3-550/600 with 1GB RAM

I really appreciate the help I have received from the list. We have some
time right now, so I want to make sure we are doing the best implementation
we can.

David C.Z. Wacks	Website Manager
					Interact Commerce Corporation
Phone:   480 368-3806                  8800 N. Gainey Center Drive
         800 555-4424 x 3806           Suite 200
FAX:     480 315-3121                  Scottsdale, AZ  85258
Mobile:  480 560-1195                  480.368.3700
Pager:   602 340-2218
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