Don Harrop
Sun, 25 Jun 2000 16:00:42 -0700

I've been playing with a program called webmin for a couple of months now
but I haven't been using it on a production machine because of security
reasons.  It now supports SSL so I've been playing with that a little more
too.  I've used mainly RPM distrobutions to install openSSL and openSSH but
I couldn't get another component called Net::SSLeay installed with those
RPM'ed versions.  I got the .tar.gz files and compiled them.  I've got
webmin working through SSL too but it pop's up with a security warning about
the name of the security certificate not matching the name of the site.  I
don't want to go out and buy a certificate.  Can't I generate my own?  Also
the openSSH that I compiled won't run the sshd daemon.  It complains that it
can't find a file called ssh_host_key.  Am I supposed to generate this key?
Any leads in the right direction would be appreciated.
