Linux Job Order

Furmanek, Greg
Thu, 1 Jun 2000 11:31:43 -0400

1.) By definition there is no good karma or bad karma.

Karma is a law.  It is like gravity therefore can not be 
good or bad.

2.) I think it is very noble to help fellow open source
developers get the best jobs there are.  More of us not
worrying about the money more of us writing some good OSS.

The Wolf

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Bob George []
-> Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 8:40 PM
-> To:
-> Subject: Re: Linux Job Order
-> "Jarvis Mark-MC33419" <> wrote:
-> > [...]
-> > FWIW, most technical people are NOT wordsmiths--get 
-> competent help on the
-> > wording, etc. of your resume--it's worth it!
-> Now there's a thought: Would helping folks out with their 
-> resume count as
-> good karma by the Open Source world? I'm not much of a 
-> programmer, but I
-> write a pretty slick resume!
-> I'm doing the job search myself. I've updated my resume, but 
-> am unwilling to
-> chop it out to any less than four well formatted pages. I 
-> figure a resume is
-> like a good novel: I need to make it compelling enough in 
-> the first couple
-> of paragraphs to get anybody to read on. A page and a half 
-> of pure jargon
-> without listing actual accomplishments strikes me as worse 
-> than too much
-> detail (having done a fair amount of resume reviews myself 
-> lately.) If
-> someone skimming it decides it's too damn long, then I'd be 
-> happier working
-> elsewhere.
-> - Bob
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