Star Office

Wed, 9 Aug 2000 14:51:41 -0700

It seems like on Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 09:10:58AM -0700, Mike Starke scribbled:

Orig Msg> I just installed Star Office (5.1) <found a cd laying around>.
Orig Msg> I first installed it as root under /usr/local and could only
Orig Msg> run it as root.
Orig Msg> I then installed it as a user, under another directory, and could
Orig Msg> run it only as that user. I added all users to a commmon group <star>
Orig Msg> and did a 'chgrp -R star <directory_that_it_was_installed>'
Orig Msg> Still no luck.
Orig Msg> 
Orig Msg> Did I miss something? Or can I only run this as the user it
Orig Msg> was installed under? Hmmmmm.  Maybe my cold has effected something here?

The proper way to hve multiple installs of SO is to do use:
setup /net

Each user has to then do a network install since they own
all of their own data.
The network install does a full install and each user only
has about 2MB of data in $HOME/Office51.

They way you are doing it is for a single user install, thats why you are 
seeing permission problems.

JLF Sends...

When I said to people to use PGP/GPG for all email they laughed at me
and said they don't use encryption because they have nothing to hide
or it was too hard to learn and use.
When the press released that the USA FBI Carnivore system and UK RIP bill
allowed for easily reading their email, they called me to ask for help 
configuring PGP and GPG. I laughed.                ( J.L.Francois )