Forcasting PEP consumers [was]: [snip] Event Planner Project [was]Re: Event Planning Project
Fri Mar 11 12:35:03 2005

I prefer top posting, but that is because I read top down :)  Thus I read the
newest stuff first, with the assumption that I read the old stuff in a prior
listing. The reason I keep the prior message is because it is possible to skip
sequence with multiple people responding, thus we need not read the prior
messages again, but mealy glance at who it was from, and perhaps the first few
lines, to know in what context to place the current message in; though this is
usually obvious without having to look at the prior message.  This is why I
prefer the old messages to be kept unobtrusively at the bottom. And have the
blocks organized from  newest to oldest.
But this is just me... it has never really been a big concern of mine and if
other prefer bottom posting, then I will try to remember to adhere to the

After all the good of the many out way the marginal preference of the one ;)