Tim's bio and abstract

der.hans plug-devel@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Mon Feb 3 11:10:03 2003

moin, moin,

finally, the preseter unveiled :).

Bio -

Tim has been involved with tape backup technology since 1984.  He consulted
with Commodore on the Amiga project through 1987 and then went to work for
Maynard Electronics/Archive Corp. During his 8 years with Archive, Tim was
Unix product manager working with all of the major Unix vendors, including
Sun, IBM, Prime, Data General, DEC, Motorola, SCO, Interactive, and others
to ensure compatibility between the Archive tape devices and the various
Unix systems and platforms. Additionally, he was a design partner in the
development of the QIC, DLT, and DDS technologies. During this period, Tim
helped define the Sequential Access Device command sets for the ANSI SSC
standard (now T10). Tim first started working with Linux in 1993. In 1994,
Tim left Archive (now Conner) to head the engineering efforts at EST on the
BRU project. In 2001, Tim and his partner, Bob Christ purchased the BRU
technology from the then defunct EST's parent company, Atipa Corp., and
started The TOLIS Group, Inc.

Abstract -

We will examine the SCSI layer within Linux and discuss both the cooked and
raw device access mechanisms available to application writers.


#  https://www.LuftHans.com/    http://www.TOLISGroup.com/
#  If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans