good means to find unbiassed reports about politics
Steve Litt
slitt at
Sun Jan 26 06:09:15 MST 2025
David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss said on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 03:51:01 -0700
>> On Jan 26, 2025, at 12:51 AM, Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss
>> See. I knew the original post would come to the preceding.
>> SteveT
>I guess that means you will NEVER, EVER, under ANY circumstances,
>complain about the shift happening on large social media platforms to
>stop fact-checking things.
If somebody on plug-discuss claims that Ubuntu is 1/4 as performant as
Debian, *by all means* fact check them. It's on topic.
>Because what we call the “truth” today is now a matter of political
>convenience and leverage rather than rooted in anything based in fact.
And the preceding is something you should post about on Facebook, X,
etc, but not on plug-discuss or LinkedIn.
>And if facts and truth are unrooted, then why should you expect
>anything on a platform like ChatGPT to be any different?
Obviously, garbage in garbage out, and I'm really pissed at the OP for
starting this.
>Remember that this whole conversation started out with an assertion
>that ChatGPT is a BETTER SOURCE OF FACTS AND TRUTH than traditional
>news media.
Yeah, it was started with a troll post. It shouldn't have been
responded to, except for telling the guy to cut it out.
>As far as people who like to wave stinky allegations about “the Biden
>crime family” taking a $10M bribe”
Wrong venue. This should be posted on Facebook or X or whatever, not on
a technical venue.
Politically, I'm diametrically opposite to quite a few on this list,
and in some cases I have excellent tech conversations with those
people. If all this political stuff festers here, then plug-discuss
becomes just another Facebook or X, which is to say, technologically
Steve Litt
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