Running a web server bare metal

Snyder, Alexander J alexander at
Sat Feb 22 10:52:55 MST 2025

> What is the advantage in using Ansible for this? Why not just use Plesk
or ISPConfig? I'm talking getting down on the metal and actually installing
and configuring and managing a ton of technology.

Ansible is a "Configuration Management" tool/utility. Is isn't a
replacement for Please/ISP config.

You write "Configuration As Code" (CaC), so it can be quickly applied over
and over. It'll make more sense after you get a basic introduction to


Sent from my Google Pixel 7 Pro

On Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 07:53 <techlists at> wrote:

> Thanks Alexander!!
> I always enjoy your feedback.
> On 2025-02-21 19:42, Snyder, Alexander J wrote:
> > Hi Keith --
> >
> > Once again, you've touched on topics that would be absolutely "low
> > hanging fruit" wins with (easily) Ansible and (probably) a little bit
> > of Docker. You can easily setup a bare metal web server, and get it
> > all configured with Ansible ... But I think Docker would be *clutch*
> > in taking the hassle and complication out of FRM/MVC/WEB ... Just my
> > two-cents there.
> >
> What is the advantage in using Ansible for this?  Why not just use Plesk
> or ISPConfig?  I'm talking getting down on the metal and actually
> installing and configuring and managing a ton of technology.
> I did it once on a laptop 3 or 4 years ago.  I leaned a lot and I got
> lucky.
> > Most of your posted topics seem to lean on your age or tech
> > background. I hear a lot of self-doubt mixed in. TRUST ME, I am the
> > absolute KING of self-doubt in the technical space. My "M.O." is
> > usually "hating" a technology because it's "stupid", which is just a
> > cover for me not knowing it and not being confident in my ability to
> > learn new things.
> >
> self-doubt or an accurate assessment?  I an a PHP developer not a system
> admin.  I let my skills become rusty and until recent I had not worked
> with a server since CentOS.  I've learned a lot in the last 6 months and
> feel stronger than ever.
> Yes I did configure that web server however I did not configure it to us
> PHP-FPM which I think is a critical piece.
> > Once upon a time I though "Regular Expressions" were "stupid" ... It's
> > been about 10 years since I climbed over that hill.
> I see the value however this is not part of my skill set.
> >
> > You've got this, because I believe in you -- WE believe in you, and
> > the fact that you're asking these kinds of questions means you're
> > already trying to take the first step(s).
> Thanks for the encouragement.
> >
> > Take an afternoon to review Ansible and YAML. YAML, as a language was
> > extremely simple to "get the hang of" ... For the essential basics. 8
> > years later and I'm still learning new things ... But the
> > "simple-pimple" basics can be had in an afternoon.
> I still do not see the value in Ansible for what I want to do.  I think
> the value for me is installing Linux on some hardware and spinning up
> and configuring each part of the puzzle with the end goal of a complete
> web server.  There is a lot to learn.  I think by going through each
> step on the command line would be the best learning opportunity.
> Yes I have some skepticism. A lot of skepticism.  To build a web server,
> a complete web server, on the command line, with DNS, email, webmail,
> Let's Encrypt ... etc is a ton of technology and a ton to know. AND it
> is a ton to support.
> I must confess that if I am able to learn enough to make this a reality
> I think I will have earned a place on the porch with the big dogs.
> This email exchange has caused me to look at this a bit harder.  I made
> the comment that I would be a fool to build a web server from scratch.
> I realized I was looking at this from a business owner's perspective.
> They need their website to just work w/o a lot of attention so they can
> attend to their business.
> That is what I meant by being a fool.
> I am in the business of learning and sharing on YouTube and via my blog.
>   So taking this journey might just be the thing to do.
> The last part of this is not to get distracted.  There are lots of shiny
> objects out there.  To be successful I have to say NO to some of them.
> I am going to start putting a plan together for going bare metal.
> Thank you for taking this journey with me!!
> Keith
> >
> > Ansible is a bit deeper, but a couple of weeks dicking around the CLI
> > will have you running playbooks in no time.
> >
> > If you fall down the rabbit hole of "Ansible Roles" you'll realize
> > that a million-and-two things have already been coded for you!
> >
> > I hate roles and I think their stupid (see above if that doesn't make
> > sense!).
> >
> > Let me know how I can help!
> Thank you for your offer to help!!
> >
> > ---
> > Thanks,
> > Alexander
> >
> > Sent from my Google Pixel 7 Pro
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 18:36 Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss
> > <plug-discuss at> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> This is a dying on the vine question.  2 or 3 years ago I ran a web
> >> server from my home office.  The websites I am running on a VPS in a
> >>
> >> hosting center server are production.  I need them to run
> >> effortlessly.
> >> That is what I like about Plesk and ISPConfig.
> >>
> >> I got lucky in configuring that web server that was running on my
> >> home
> >> office Internet connection.
> >>
> >> I believe I would be a fool to try this.
> >>
> >> On top of that I am planning on creating a M-V-C framework and
> >> moving my
> >> websites to that.  And I have a web app I would like to build.
> >>
> >> I have developed some decent Linux skills, however I am no system
> >> administrator.
> >>
> >> Your Thoughts?
> >>
> >> Thanks!!
> >>
> >> Keith
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