Open Sourcing Automotive Diagnostics

techlists at techlists at
Thu Feb 13 07:37:27 MST 2025

I was a Chevy man during my youth.  I found Chevy's where easy to work 
on and I generally just liked their cars.

In AZ emissions is required for all cars 67 and newer.  Might be 68.  I 
understand that the Trump Administration might be doing away with 
emissions requirements. I sure hope so. The oil embargo and emissions 
killed the muscle car era.

Sometime ago I ran into this guy :

Are you aware of him?

I think if you buy something you should have the right to repair it.  
That includes access to reasonably priced parts and even having the 
manuals online.

John Deere has found itself on the wrong side of the right to repair 
issue and look what it is costing them.

I support your effort!!!  It is the American way to stand up for what is 
right, and if that includes Linux, I am extremely excited.


On 2025-02-12 21:12, Pablo Camacho via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> I agree with the points that you made, Keith. Indeed, very true,
> electronics will not last as long as the car, yet the use of the car
> depends on them.
> I like less electronics in my car as well which is why I tried to
> maintain my 2001 Hyundai Accent for as long as I could.
> My dream car would be one that is modular, easy to repair, and has
> easy access to critical parts in the engine bay that can be replaced.
> The car version of a Framework laptop.
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 7:02 PM Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss
> <plug-discuss at> wrote:
>> I might step on some toes so forgive me up front.
>> You said "I am very interested in using a Linux based computers and
>> Open
>> Source computer systems to diagnose and maintain automobiles..."
>> I'm an old guy. From around 1972 to around 1984 I was a muscle car
>> guy.
>> No electronics in those cars.  I like it that way.
>> I hate that cars have electrons.  I'm ok with an am/fm radio,
>> electric
>> windows (to a point),  anything else is too much for me.
>> You buy a car today and it's electronics are outdated in 5 years.
>> The
>> car can go 30 years/300k miles. But the electronics cannot keep up.
>> Ok so what you are thinking of doing sounds exciting, especially if
>> you
>> can replace the manufacture's electronics with some Linux based
>> homegrown system.
>> Right to Repair is a big deal and you might be on the leading edge
>> of
>> something big...
>> Keith
>> On 2025-02-12 18:13, greg zegan via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>>> I have been wanting to ask about this subject as well because I am
>>> seriously considering this subject:
>>> Open Sourcing Automotive Diagnostics [1]
>>> I am very interested in using a Linux based computers and Open
>> Source
>>> computer systems to diagnose and maintain automobiles.  I really
>> think
>>> there could be an open market on repairs because of the cost of
>> modern
>>> automobiles and tractors is so high.
>>> I use to work for CNHI for a short contract a few years ago and
>> they
>>> along with John Deere are causing farmers to complain to the point
>> of
>>> states like Nebraska coming out with laws making it legal for them
>> to
>>> "hack" the computer system so they can use a malfunctioning
>> computer
>>> system in a tractor and get their crop harvested or planted.
>>> I heard in the Ukraine they are openly providing hacks and cracks
>> to
>>> the farmers so they can use the tractors saving them money.
>> American
>>> farmers were rumored to be downloading these tools to fix their
>>> computer systems here in America.
>>> I would really like to see free market forces in play for auto
>> owners
>>> so they can remove factory equipment favor of open source products
>> and
>>> computer systems that would compliment this activity.
>>> Beyond that, I would find it very interesting if there were a
>> forum
>>> and symposium on this subject here in the Phoenix area.  It would
>>> offer a range of subjects such as securing your auto and how to
>> get
>>> the most out of an auto.
>>> So if you have ideas please share.
>>> thanks,
>>> Greg
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1]
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