Open Sourcing Automotive Diagnostics

Pablo Camacho bringerofawesomefood at
Wed Feb 12 21:12:58 MST 2025

I agree with the points that you made, Keith. Indeed, very true,
electronics will not last as long as the car, yet the use of the car
depends on them.

I like less electronics in my car as well which is why I tried to maintain
my 2001 Hyundai Accent for as long as I could.

My dream car would be one that is modular, easy to repair, and has easy
access to critical parts in the engine bay that can be replaced.
The car version of a Framework laptop.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 7:02 PM Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss <
plug-discuss at> wrote:

> I might step on some toes so forgive me up front.
> You said "I am very interested in using a Linux based computers and Open
> Source computer systems to diagnose and maintain automobiles..."
> I'm an old guy. From around 1972 to around 1984 I was a muscle car guy.
> No electronics in those cars.  I like it that way.
> I hate that cars have electrons.  I'm ok with an am/fm radio, electric
> windows (to a point),  anything else is too much for me.
> You buy a car today and it's electronics are outdated in 5 years.  The
> car can go 30 years/300k miles. But the electronics cannot keep up.
> Ok so what you are thinking of doing sounds exciting, especially if you
> can replace the manufacture's electronics with some Linux based
> homegrown system.
> Right to Repair is a big deal and you might be on the leading edge of
> something big...
> Keith
> On 2025-02-12 18:13, greg zegan via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> > I have been wanting to ask about this subject as well because I am
> > seriously considering this subject:
> >
> >
> > Open Sourcing Automotive Diagnostics [1]
> >
> >
> > I am very interested in using a Linux based computers and Open Source
> > computer systems to diagnose and maintain automobiles.  I really think
> > there could be an open market on repairs because of the cost of modern
> > automobiles and tractors is so high.
> >
> > I use to work for CNHI for a short contract a few years ago and they
> > along with John Deere are causing farmers to complain to the point of
> > states like Nebraska coming out with laws making it legal for them to
> > "hack" the computer system so they can use a malfunctioning computer
> > system in a tractor and get their crop harvested or planted.
> >
> > I heard in the Ukraine they are openly providing hacks and cracks to
> > the farmers so they can use the tractors saving them money.  American
> > farmers were rumored to be downloading these tools to fix their
> > computer systems here in America.
> >
> > I would really like to see free market forces in play for auto owners
> > so they can remove factory equipment favor of open source products and
> > computer systems that would compliment this activity.
> >
> > Beyond that, I would find it very interesting if there were a forum
> > and symposium on this subject here in the Phoenix area.  It would
> > offer a range of subjects such as securing your auto and how to get
> > the most out of an auto.
> >
> > So if you have ideas please share.
> >
> > thanks,
> > Greg
> >
> >
> >
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> > [1]
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