Open Sourcing Automotive Diagnostics

greg zegan gjzegan at
Wed Feb 12 18:13:00 MST 2025

I have been wanting to ask about this subject as well because I am seriously considering this subject:
Open Sourcing Automotive Diagnostics
Open Sourcing Automotive Diagnostics

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Open Sourcing Automotive Diagnostics




I am very interested in using a Linux based computers and Open Source computer systems to diagnose and maintain automobiles.  I really think there could be an open market on repairs because of the cost of modern automobiles and tractors is so high.  
I use to work for CNHI for a short contract a few years ago and they along with John Deere are causing farmers to complain to the point of states like Nebraska coming out with laws making it legal for them to "hack" the computer system so they can use a malfunctioning computer system in a tractor and get their crop harvested or planted.
I heard in the Ukraine they are openly providing hacks and cracks to the farmers so they can use the tractors saving them money.  American farmers were rumored to be downloading these tools to fix their computer systems here in America.
I would really like to see free market forces in play for auto owners so they can remove factory equipment favor of open source products and computer systems that would compliment this activity.
Beyond that, I would find it very interesting if there were a forum and symposium on this subject here in the Phoenix area.  It would offer a range of subjects such as securing your auto and how to get the most out of an auto.
So if you have ideas please share.

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