OT Humidity, was time off
techlists at phpcoderusa.com
techlists at phpcoderusa.com
Sun Jun 23 06:13:07 MST 2024
On 2024-06-23 05:57, Jim via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> Thanks for reminding me of George Carlin's Things to watch out for.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwEKx1P7AOA
> On 6/22/24 19:49, Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>> Thomas Scott via PLUG-discuss said on Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:05:35 -0400
>>> Long term - I don't think the growth curve AZ is on is sustainable
>>> without burying the water transport (converting canals to pipes) to
>>> avoid evaporation from the exposed surface, but that has it's own set
>>> of issues as well.
>>> Short term - it scares me. The situation is tenable, but it's on a
>>> razor's edge, and if there are issues with the dams/reservoirs, and
>>> the supply, it's going to hurt. A lot.
>> Ugh! Long term every place on earth is in danger. I live in Florida,
>> where because of increasing frequency of category 3 through 5
>> hurricanes, house insurance will soon be unavailable. On moving to
>> Orlando in 1998, summer bicycle riding was uncomfortable but doable.
>> With a hotter climate and developers cutting down solar energy
>> absorbing trees, in June through September you can ride only the first
>> 2 hours after sunrise and the last 2 hours before sunset.
>> California is burning up, literally. Fires all over the place.
>> When I lived in Chicago 1949-1980, a window fan would suffice. Now
>> Chicagoans die in heat events because their homes and apartments were
>> (understandably at the time) built without air conditioning.
>> At various parts of the midwest, farmers suffer because alternating
>> floods and droughts raise their crop insurance to the point of
>> non-profitability. Food will become less and less available to the
>> non-rich.
>> Small islands are getting drowned by higher water levels.
>> China, India and Mexico City have horrible pollution, and people are
>> dying from respiratory problems.
>> As development encroaches on formerly uninhabited areas,
>> oxygen-supplying trees disappear and new-to-human microbes are let
>> loose.
>> There will be a worldwide population decline. I hope it's done with
>> birth control, but fear it will be from heat, floods, disease, and
>> scarcity.
>> How's that for OT :_)
>> SteveT
>> Steve Litt
>> http://444domains.com
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