NGINX/PHP-FPM (with Docker)

Snyder, Alexander J alexander at
Thu Dec 19 13:34:08 MST 2024

Keith Smith & PLUG (et. al.) --

I'm sorry it took me so long, but y'know -- end of year madness.

Anyhoo -- I had some time free from work and I whipped up a nginx webserver
with PHP-FPM.

I have never worked with NGINX and I have never worked with PHP-FPM.  It
took a solid 5 minutes of Docker Compose 'ing to get it working.

Here is the Docker Compose file I used:
Here is the NGINX Conf file I used:
Here is the INDEX.php file I used:

This is the directory structure of my Docker Compose folder:

--> tree /opt/apps/websitetest/
├── data
│   ├── html
│   │   └── index.php
│   └── nginx.conf
└── websitetest-compose.yml

2 directories, 3 files


Okay, how here's how you get going on this:

Step 1:  Add the Docker CE repo to your computer:
.... I assume you know how to do that part.  Its really simple on RHEL, I
can't speak for Ubuntu or others.

Step 2:  Add the packages:

   - docker-buildx-plugin
   - docker-ce
   - docker-ce-cli
   - docker-compose-plugin
   - python3-docker

The most important being the "docker-compose-plugin"

Once docker is running and you can successfully do their "Hello World"
test:  "docker run --rm" (without

You should get a message that your docker is installed correctly.

Next, create a common proxy network for these services to communicate in:
"docker network create website"  (*you can name your network whatever you
want, for simplicity I chose "website", and my files reflect that same name*

This proxy network is reflected in my files, so make the appropriate
changes if you name it something else:

    external: true

  - website

With the Nginx Conf file and PHP files both staged in the proper
directories (*remember to adjust the path to reflect on your system

I am in the working directory that contains my COMPOSE file:
I ran this command:  "docker compose -f websitetest-compose.yml up -d"
double quotes*)

Then, I navigated to my docker host, and put in the host port (3005) that I
mapped to the container port of 80, and I see this:

I'm happy to help anyone trying to get this same proof-of-concept working
for them, but anything beyond a simple POC and I would say I'm probably not
the guy.

This was just meant to show how quick and easy Docker makes development.

Let me know how I can help!

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