ot - gas price
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techlists at phpcoderusa.com
Sun Mar 20 13:48:10 MST 2022
I laughed when I read "They got spooked by Trump.". Trump scares a who
lot of people on the left.
On 2022-03-17 17:00, greg zegan via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> Yes, but look into the Fiat money we have.
> If they didn't ship the jobs overseas they couldn't keep the
> petro-dollar.
> Henry Ford would describe this as a battle between Nationalist and
> Internationalist.
> The http://www.cfr.org are Internationalist. [1] The support the
> banker class and central planners.
> They have been running our country for decades.
> They got spooked by Trump.
> Putin knows the limitations about capitalism and wanted open markets
> but with proper regulation.
> The bankers and central planners want open and unregulated markets for
> maximum profits.
> Look into Bill Browder and Larry Summers and what they did in the 90's
> for America after
> the fall of USSR. Why did Putin ask Trump if he could speak to Bill
> Browder when he first saw him?
> They looted Russia and starved many Russians to death with the
> blessing of USA's CIA.
> With Nationalism, you develop the resources for the benefit of the
> population that resides within the Nation state.
> With Internationalism, you privatize resources and they are developed
> for the benefit of the shareholders. Capitalism.
> By the way, Russia never wanted Marxism. Guess who funded it?
> USA with the help of Jacob Schiff Adam Schiff's great Uncle. The
> congressman from California.
> Leon Trotsky, aka Lev Davidovich Bronstein, got $20 million from Mr.
> Schiff.
> They killed the Czar and his family and it is still a bitter topic
> between Russia, America, and Israel
> because he was of Jewish decent.
> Why would a banker support Marxism? What is in it for them?
> On Thursday, March 17, 2022, 04:39:41 PM MST, JD Austin
> <jd at twingeckos.com> wrote:
>> High gas prices.
>> unaffordable housing.
>> many households living paycheck to paycheck.
>> explosion in crime.
>> explosion in homelessness.
>> recreational drug use on the rise for a civilization like ours and
>> you think this is normal?
> All the above are symptoms of the problem: our politicians sold us out
> to support foreign countries while pushing their own agendas.
> Politicians sold the trade agreements as a way for American businesses
> to make more money selling internationally, but they are competing
> with countries with much lower cost of living and much less stringent
> environmental standards. When politicians started passing laws that
> forced businesses to fund their agendas (like health care), the
> related overhead increase kicked off the migration of American
> manufacturing jobs to other countries. Within a decade, most of the
> manufacturing jobs left the USA. Politicians didn't think about 'the
> little people' and assumed they could just get training and other
> jobs; only some of them could. The current regime is really pushing
> green energy. I'm a fan of green energy, but it's just not ready to
> replace everything that already works. It costs more and doesn't work
> as well. Only upper-middle-class and above living in urban areas can
> afford green energy solutions; politicians are blind to that and so
> are a lot of proponents.
> When our politicians created free trade agreements (that weren't fair
> to American businesses) almost all remaining manufacturing left the US
> along with the related jobs. Every time politicians meddle with
> businesses causing their overhead to increase, they cause a shift that
> hurts employees and consumers the most. We got cheap, crappy, Chinese
> goods that just don't last (made by people they have to put up nets to
> prevent them from committing suicide) and the 'throw it away' society
> that came with it. It hit a lot of American industries and I'm not
> sure we can get them back now. With costs going up, decent jobs
> requiring more skill and education, far fewer places to work for
> low-skilled workers,and even the so-called help always has rules that
> keep the people we are 'helping' poor (make more than X and you get
> nothing). it's not surprising a lot of poor people become homeless,
> resort to crime, and take drugs. Politicians need to think about 'the
> little people' as real people.
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 4:03 PM greg zegan <gjzegan at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> On top of that in case you haven't noticed the homeless population
>> has exploded in the Phoenix area.
>> Try ridding the bus-public transportation, with these people who
>> sadly in some cases haven't had a bath
>> or shower in some time.
>> Its really sad that the American culture has been broken so badly
>> that one has to help others see what
>> is in plain sight. We live adjacent to a state with arguably the
>> worst homeless population in the country.
>> Have you ever stopped to ask yourself or others what is the cause of
>> all this???????
>> High gas prices.
>> unaffordable housing.
>> many households living paycheck to paycheck.
>> explosion in crime.
>> explosion in homelessness.
>> recreational drug use on the rise for a civilization like ours and
>> you think this is normal?
>> $14 Billion in aid to Ukraine while all this is happening?
>> Where is that money going?
>> How about a hired mercenary army to fight Russia per the refuges
>> from the Middle East.
>> Why do you think they pushed for EU to take in refuges from the
>> middle East?
>> By the way, EU doesn't have children like the previous generations
>> did and thee now
>> know it takes at least 2.0 children per couple to keep an empire
>> alive so these people
>> from Africa and others are nothing but blood and treasure to these
>> neo-cons.
>> Tech people are usually some of the smartest in a civilization
>> historically speaking.
>> As per Thucydides the country that rules in technology rules the
>> world.
>> Surely the breadth and width of your understanding goes further
>> than these few talking points.
>> How about this.
>> There is a real effort to turn us all in the West into a Socialistic
>> civilization based on Plato's Republic.
>> Democracy?
>> Try a empire ruled by a Philosopher king as he stated in his book.
>> The problem is there is no person
>> on this earth that is perfect and never will be. We have a
>> Republic, not a Democracy in the USA.
>> Dig a little deeper and try a little harder to understand your
>> world. If you don't find the truth there are
>> many out there looking for the naïve to take advantage of.
>> Plato's Republic.
>> Plato's Meno.
>> Plato's Timaeus.
>> Plato's Protagoras.
>> St. Augustine's City of God.
>> Aristotle's Ethics.
>> Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Social Contract.
>> Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Discourse on Inequality.
>> On Thursday, March 17, 2022, 03:35:25 PM MST, JD Austin
>> <jd at twingeckos.com> wrote:
>> It hasn't been near $2 a gallon for 1.5 years.
>> https://gasprices.aaa.com/?state=AZ
>> https://www.gasbuddy.com/charts
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 3:31 PM greg zegan <gjzegan at yahoo.com>
>> wrote:
>> Are you kidding?
>> just over a year ago it was under $2 a gallon.
>> furthermore, who is going to commute to work in Phoenix in the
>> coming months?
>> On Thursday, March 17, 2022, 03:22:12 PM MST, JD Austin via
>> PLUG-discuss <plug-discuss at lists.phxlinux.org> wrote:
>> I just paid $4.49 at Costco which was only .07/gallon less than
>> surrounding gas stations :(
>> I can only hope our national politicians pull their heads from their
>> rectum and open domestic oil production again soon.
>> They're blaming Ukraine, but it was already approaching $4 before
>> Russian invaded.
>> If anyone had doubts that overreliance on foreign supply chains
>> could be problematic, the last several years should have made it
>> clear.
>> I feel really sorry for poor people... how are they coping with
>> these price increases everywhere?
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 12:47 PM Michael via PLUG-discuss
>> <plug-discuss at lists.phxlinux.org> wrote:
>> What is gas going for in arizona? It is around 4 a gallon in
>> florida.
>> --
>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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