external U.S.robotics fax modem
PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Sat Mar 19 12:02:14 MST 2022
Am 11. Mar, 2022 schwätzte Harold Hartley via PLUG-discuss so:
moin moin Harold,
My apologies, I haven't gotten the chance to look in the garage. I should
have time today or tomorrow.
> I would like that. Thanks. It be helpful to me to have my computer send and receive fax’s.
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2022, at 23:14, der.hans wrote:
>> Am 10. Mar, 2022 schwätzte Harold Hartley via PLUG-discuss so:
>> moin moin,
>> I have a couple old external modems if you need one. I haven't ever used
>> them for fax, so no idea if that works. Actually, no idea if they work,
>> but I ran into them while cleaning up the garage a couple weeks ago.
>> If I can find them again I can take pictures to see if they look like
>> models that will work. If they will, I can likely run them up to you next
>> week.
>> For editing uneditable images I've been using xournal since Ted mentioned
>> it years and years ago. I mostly use it for PDFs, but I think I've used it
>> for PNG and JPG as well. Perhaps I first converted them to PDF. Dunno.
>> Even if you still have to fax using a tool like xournal might at least
>> save you some dead tree time.
>> ciao,
>> der.hans
>>> I'm looking to setup my computer for faxes sending and receiving. I'm looking at using the U.S. robotics fax modem but unsure if the two fax software made for Linux will support it as I would be using a USB adapter for serial port connection to the fax modem.
>>> Anyone out they have any suggestions or advise how I should setup my Linux box for using faxes or what to watch out for type of problems. This fax modem is the only thing I can think of as I am low income and don't have much money for the month. I once used such a modem with Linux a couple of decades ago when I use to run a ham radio gateway back in Maine. But I used a script for the fax modem to make the connection. So it will run with Linux.
>> --
>> # https://www.LuftHans.com https://www.PhxLinux.org
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