Disabling special keys

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Wed Jul 13 09:42:37 MST 2022

Under system setting go to input devices and then keyboard.  Under the 
keyboard settings click on the advanced tab and then check Configure 
keyboard options.  Then scroll down to "Position of Compose key" and 
expand that.  Then just select the key you want to use to access the 
special characters "Left Win" if you want it to be the same as it was in 
the past.

Brian Cluff

On 7/12/22 22:41, Jim via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> I've got Kubuntu 20.04 and  there's no /usr/src/linux.    In /usr/src 
> there are several directories with linux in the name, one is 
> linux-headers-5.4.0-48.  In each one there's a drivers/hid directory, 
> but I didn't find the maker of the keyboard.  I bought it off that 
> website named after the big river in Brazil.  The brand  name was 
> Nulea.  However, I did find a way to stop that key from annoying me 
> when I hit it by accident.  I took the key off and removed that little 
> bit of plastic that was under the key and replaced it.
> About a year ago, I  wanted to be able to access the degree (°) 
> without launching an app to show  the seldom used characters then 
> finding the one I wanted and copying it and pasting it.  I found a way 
> to modify the windows key so if I hold it down while pressing o twice, 
> I get °.   The problem is that I forgot how or where I found out how 
> to do that.  Any idea how to do that?  Thanks.

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