Customize Apache2 directory list

Jim azanorak at
Mon Aug 22 08:23:48 MST 2022

Thank you James and Matt for your help.  This will work.

On 8/21/22 17:22, Matt Graham via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> On 2022-08-21 16:43, James Mcphee via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 2:42 PM Jim wrote:
>>> Today I got Apache2 running on it to serve music to my android
>>> phone so could listen when I'm out in the yard.   It works but
>>> the size of the text in the directory listing is really small.  How can
>>> I enlarge the size of the text?    I looked online but didn't find
>>> anything that  made sense.  Some sites said to use a css file.
> It's slightly more complicated than it should be, but read on.
>> If you're using the apache indexes page, you can add an
>> IndexStyleSheet directive.
> This will not do what you want without extensive fiddling.  I found a 
> better solution, or at least a hacked-together starting point, by 
> cannibalizing and simplifying the Apaxy github project. I had to put 
> these lines into the <Directory> where my default vhost lives:
> IndexStyleSheet /indexcss/style.css
> HeaderName /indexcss/header.html
> ReadmeName /indexcss/footer.html
> IndexOptions +Charset=UTF-8 +FancyIndexing +FoldersFirst +HTMLTable 
> +IconsAreLinks +IgnoreCase +NameWidth=* +SuppressDescription 
> +SuppressRules +XHTML -SuppressHTMLPreamble
> Then you can see how it looks at . You 
> probably will need to copy the example code and change the stuff 
> around for your needs since it may not be large enough. Editing the 
> style.css , header.html , and footer.html files will get you lots of 
> stuff.  The entire project not the hacked-together trimmed down 
> version is of course at , and it has 
> more features including javascript.

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