Running/managing my own server

techlists at techlists at
Sun Jul 11 12:45:01 MST 2021

Yikes Eric!!  That is a lot beyond what I am shooting for.  Thanks for 

On 2021-07-11 11:55, Eric Oyen via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> You can also use virtual environments like VMWARE. I did this for a
> long time here at home and had success with it. I had one bare metal
> machine with 32 GB of ram, 2 core CPU and half a terabyte of storage
> spread across 10 drives. That machine ran easily 8 VMWare instances
> with linux ubuntu being the host system. One hardware lan interface
> was left unconfigured in the host OS and then configured inside a
> VMWARE instance running OpenBSD. A virtual lan bridge was also
> configured connected to the other external lan (configured by the host
> OS). The virtual lan connected as the second interface to the OpenBSD
> instance and I used that for DNS, firewall and DHCP for the internal
> lan. Several other instances included linux for a web server, an NFS
> server for NAS operations, a remote windows XP instance that could be
> logged into by any of the workstations in the house, one instance that
> acted as the PXE server for thin client stuff and several other
> instances including one for remote compiling jobs. Frankly, if you
> don’t have a lot of hardware laying around, this is the best possible
> use of your hardware to run multiple tasks.
> Hope this gives you an idea or two. :)
> -Eric
> From the Central Offices of the Technomage Guild, Infrastructure
> support division.
>> On Jul 11, 2021, at 11:23 AM, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss 
>> <plug-discuss at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for all your insight and help getting my home server up and 
>> running!!
>> As you may or may not know I am a PHP developer.  Over the years I 
>> have had ample opportunity to work on LAMP servers.  I was exposed to 
>> a lot and I have a ton to learn.
>> I currently have a VPS in a data center and a full service PHP hosting 
>> server in my home office that runs Let's Encrypt/BIND/Postfix/Dovecot 
>> as well.  I got it to work and need to get back and figure out how it 
>> works.  I have more questions than answers.
>> This morning the thought popped into my mind that running my own 
>> production server might be possible.  I'm thinking I can ditch Plesk 
>> at some point and run on the bare metal (VPS).  I know I have a ton to 
>> learn.  The home server is great for learning.  I would never host a 
>> production website out of my home.
>> I bought 3 books - Bind/Postfix/Dovecot and have subscribed to those 
>> lists as well.
>> I'm thinking I may be able to learn enough in 6 months to manage a VPS 
>> w/o Plesk.  Then, maybe later I can run a hardware server.
>> I am talking about a virtual PHP host running Ubuntu LTS, LAMP, Let's 
>> Encrypt, BIND, Postfix, Dovecot, and possibly some webmail app.  Not 
>> sure of anything else I would need. Is there more?
>> We can throw in learning Apache SPF and NGINX.
>> 1) First question is this a reasonable idea or am I crazy?
>> 2) 2nd question is what skills would I need?
>> Thanks!!
>> Keith
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