Filesystem Optimization

Nathan (PLUGAZ) plugaz at
Mon Feb 10 11:08:44 MST 2020

On 2020-02-08 13:15, Matt Graham wrote:

> So: mount the thing with nobarrier if you want it to create many small
> files faster.  This means that if the power goes out, your data will
> get corrupted.  Your call.  Or try running the rsync daemon on the NFS
> server, since NFS is good for reading, good for writing, and horrible
> for creating files?  That'll show totally different network behavior
> since it removes NFS's weirdnesses.

I tried this, but it would not mount the file system. I couldn't find 
any errors, it just would silently drop the request. Not sure why. In 
the process of this, I did backup all the files and rebuild the array, 
without LVM. This time, I removed the journal from array. Maybe, because 
there is no journal, nobarrier is ineffective and or causes it to not 

I'm not convinced a new server or new drives would provide any different 
experience, and I don't want to change the setup because it works for my 
needs, but eventually I'll purchase larger drives, so maybe I'll play 
with the nobarrier option then.

(My server is well backed up, and I have it on a battery, so I'm not 
terribly concerned about the journal anyway. Besides, the volume is 
encrypted, so if power went out and the server died, the last file being 
written would be the least of my concerns.)

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