HOPEconf: The U.S. Maker Response to COVID-19

der.hans PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Sat Aug 1 13:07:54 MST 2020

moin moin,

We've got some makers in the group, so this might be of interest.

The U.S. government has become world famous for actively ignoring the
inbound COVID-19 pandemic, opting to disband the NSC pandemic team which
had been directly and recently trained to respond to these issues,
splintering them into other roles. The new Directorate for Global Health
Security and Biodefense did not move to effectively prepare the country
for a massive biological crisis, leaving most health care (and really, all
other) facilities vastly under-prepared to handle the inbound sickness
while keeping essential workers protected. Realizing it was time to
promote dev to prod, “rapid-prototypers” from all sorts of maker realms
from 3D printing to sewing stepped up to donate their time, materials,
machinery, project management knowledge, and even personal health in order
to get these essential workers the personal protective equipment (PPE)
they need to ensure they can treat infected individuals while minimizing
personal risk. This presentation will provide an overview of these


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