I can't remember

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Sun Apr 5 20:05:02 MST 2020

Short answer, Hugin.
Most programs that process stacked images will offer an option to align 
then, which just uses hugin.  If your program doesn't offer alignment, 
you can just use hugin to align them.  When you go to stitch the images 
check off under "remapped images" No Exposure correction, low dynamic 
range.. That's from the advanced interface. If you are using the Simple 
interface just check off "Keep Intermediate images" when you go to 
stitch.  I'm not sure if those images are exposure corrected, so you 
might want to use advanced interface if you need them to not be exposure 

Brian Cluff

On 4/5/20 5:25 PM, Michael via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> how do we align images that we are using for stacking that are taken had-held?
> On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 8:18 PM Michael <bmike1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How do we align images that we are using for stacking?
>> --
>> :-)~MIKE~(-:

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