Port 80/443 router conflict

Dhruva Lokegaonkar dhruva at lokegaonkar.in
Mon Mar 11 16:04:44 MST 2019

You could get two domains, point at the same IP address.
Then on your local network you could set up a reverse proxy server, such
as nginx, that that'll send traffic for one domain to your NUC, and
traffic for the other domain to your NAS. The server could just run on
your NUC. It's extremely easy to set up, and would probably be the most
hassle free setup.

On 3/11/19 12:31 PM, Carlton Brooks wrote:
> I have a successful homeassistant setup running on a NUC with a
> letsencrypt certificate. It uses Port 80 and 443 for internet access.
> I just bought a Synology NAS disk station DS918+ to do all my bacups etc.
> If I want to access the outside world with the NAS with an SSL or
> Letsencrypt certificate, I again need to have port 80/443 open.
> This is where I need help. I will admit the lack of knowledge at this
> point but I do know that two devices can not share the same ports, but
> how might I configure the NAS to gain outside secure access.
> I can get a domain name but am confused as to using a DDNS or cname to
> gain access.
> Any help in "somewhat" simple terms would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Carlton Brooks
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Dhruva Lokegaonkar
dhruva at lokegaonkar.in <mailto:dhruva at lokegaonkar.in>
lokegaonkar.in <https://lokegaonkar.in>

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