How to migrate Ubuntu to new computer?

Carruth, Rusty Rusty.Carruth at
Tue Feb 26 08:05:27 MST 2019

Interesting.  I’ve done cloning for years with little problem.  But then, I don’t do RAID, LVM, or encryption.  I can see how that would be a little difficult.

Beware, though, of just bringing your entire home dir across to a new version.  Often the dot files will be wrong, some fatally so. (Voice of experience!)


From: PLUG-discuss [mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of Michael Butash
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2019 3:02 PM
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: How to migrate Ubuntu to new computer?

Agree here, cloning disks on linux haven't worked for me in 20 years, particularly doing anything like raid, encryption, or lvm.  Start over and just get a base os working.

OS is fairly irrelevant outside of sysctl's and services loading from etc, but meshing between major revisions or distributions here is problematic at best.  Clean build is best.

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