Displaying a program on 2 screens at the same time
PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Sat Feb 16 18:40:13 MST 2019
Am 16. Feb, 2019 schwätzte Brian Cluff so:
moin moin Brian,
What about setting up 3 workspaces? Have two of them in mirror mode and
the third gets the LibreOffice presentation mode notes?
Then switch between the notes screen and the extra mirror to go in and out
of demo mode.
> For those of you that saw my Hugin presentation at last Thursday's meeting
> you would have noticed that I had some difficulty switching back and forth
> between the presentation and doing a demo of the software.
> The reason for this is that I was running Libreoffice Impress in dual monitor
> mode so that I can see my notes and the next slide. I could solve the problem
> by just mirroring the display, but that causes problems by eliminating my
> notes and other resources. There is also the possibility of using a tablet to
> control the presentation, but that might not be reliable at SCaLE when I do
> the presentation again.
> So what I need is a way to display a program on both monitors at the same
> time without having to mirror the display.
> I think I might have a workable solution by abusing the kmag program and
> setting it's magnification to 1:1, but I wonder if there is a better or more
> purpose built solution to accomplish the same thing. If there is, great, I'd
> love to hear about it, if there isn't then this message can serve as a
> possible solution for others to increase the quality of their presentations.
> Brian Cluff
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