[Google] Fiber dream ends, what next?
Michael Butash
michael at butash.net
Thu Feb 7 20:05:25 MST 2019
I recently switched to CL to save money, pure bottom line. As someone that
has some love for the cable industry, having been there to build it even
pre-DOCSIS circa '99-00, and working at cox before turning too evil here
locally, it was a bit of a sad parting, but necessary as they've fallen too
of late. I got tired of cox pimping me for overages in bandwidth, which
was the long and short of my leaving them all together. I haven't paid for
video in 25 years, so that's irrelevant
Cox is better bandwidth imho, but not better enough to pay another 25% over
on, and particularly not when they've done nothing but anger me of late
anyways with general outages, degradation, and otherwise not giving a crap
that they are in a general state of decline. CL has been in perpetual
decline for 50 years as Bell's race to the bottom, at least they're cheaper
now, and the service is otherwise stable for much less cost. I will never
get fiber in my old-assed area, so the realist kicks in, might as well save
some cash for the 140mbps service @ $55/mo vs. $80 for 80mps cox and
randomly taxing me $20-30 extra a month for overages.
On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 7:13 PM Stephen Partington <cryptworks at gmail.com>
> I am loving my Cox fiber.
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019, 7:10 PM Eric Oyen <eric.oyen at icloud.com> wrote:
>> Yeah,
>> I will stick with cox and their coax method. It’s worked so far.
>> Btw, century link was in the neighborhood last week with a bunch of sales
>> people trying to push fiber optic. They laid a main trunk up 83rd ave here
>> about 2 years ago. I asked the sales person if they would be willing to run
>> fiber right up to my door. The answer I got sounded a lot like marketing
>> speak. When I pushed, they admitted that it would still be pots lines from
>> the nearest fiber node to my place. Once that was admitted, then the real
>> truth started coming out about line replacement costs, etc. needless to
>> say, not worth it.
>> -Eric
>> From the Central Offices of the Technomage guild, Infrastructure
>> development and implementation Dept.
>> On Feb 7, 2019, at 5:41 PM, Michael Butash <michael at butash.net> wrote:
>> https://www.engadget.com/2019/02/07/google-fiber-louisville-shutting-down/
>> Google Fiber has been dying on the vine a bit now, but typical google,
>> anything that has problems they just whack anymore. Are you glad or sad
>> they didn't come here, more than the 2 people that actually it in some
>> foreign territory? Better to have never loved than loved and lost?
>> Better or worse, that few years Google was pushing Fiber, they got Cox
>> scrambling to at least pretend to push more fiber/gigabit technologies,
>> until they smelled blood and decided google wasn't worth continued effort
>> to defend against, going back to coax and much more status quo.
>> Centurylink has to move off 2-wire tech as their only option for
>> evolution in anything new beyond 150mps speeds, but don't expect them to
>> ever retrofit old properties (me, probably you too) soon. Not sure what
>> they will do with old dsl like my area, but give up and not offer better
>> service. They can only bond 2x 70mps channels on old 2wire tech, cox can
>> push gig today if they wanted to.
>> If you don't have fiber now, you'll never have it likely with either
>> provider any time soon. Cox Coax can evolve/compete with fiber, CL DSL not
>> so much.
>> -mb
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