portable streaming media hardware question

Carruth, Rusty Rusty.Carruth at smartm.com
Fri Nov 16 14:38:56 MST 2018

Our mails passed in the ether.  I suggested an RPi, because I'm pretty sure it can stream video, unless maybe you're thinking 4k at 120FPS or something...

A student of mine created a portable media server, with included video camera, on an RPi, in a cute little box, very small.

And would a 8000mAH usb battery power it for long enough?  I don't know.

And, how big is your pocket? 

And I'm not sure how downloading direct to the phone counts as a change to a work habit, as it sounded like you were trying to use your phone for this anyway, but maybe I misunderstood.  No biggie, we're talking Pi right now anyway


-----Original Message-----
From: PLUG-discuss [mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at lists.phxlinux.org] On Behalf Of David Schwartz

Thanks, but I’m looking for HARDWARE suggestions, not advice on how to reinvent my work habits.

I did find one thing that looks promising: Asus Travelair N Wireless 1TB Hard Disk

Does anybody know if RPi's have enough horesepower to stream a video? Can I fit one in a case with a battery that fits in your pocket?

-David Schwartz

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