KeePass2 versus KeePassX
Michael March
mmarch at
Sun Jan 28 17:20:15 MST 2018
FWIW I've been using 1Password for my family (four people) and it has
worked well, especially for sharing passwords.
The command line abilities are pretty top notch too.
On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 4:21 PM Mark Phillips <mark at>
> Since it is a .exe, I just assumed it ran under wine. It also looks like a
> Windows app. I could be wrong.
> Thanks!
> Mark
> On Jan 28, 2018 4:11 PM, "Phil Waclawski" <phil.waclawski at>
> wrote:
>> I just checked, and you are right, it is the KeePass.exe version, but
>> when I run it I do not find any wine process in the ps -ef list.
>> Very weird,
>> Phil Waclawski
>> On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Mark Phillips <
>> mark at> wrote:
>>> The keepass2 is from the Ubuntu repository. I believe it is the windows
>>> version as it runs in wine, and the ui looks very windows.
>>> Mark
>>> On Jan 27, 2018 9:12 PM, "Phil Waclawski" <phil.waclawski at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> There should be a keepass2 option for your OS, that is what I install
>>>> and use on Kubuntu, and I know it is fully compatible with the windows
>>>> keepass2.
>>>> Phil W
>>>> On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 3:55 PM, Mark Phillips <
>>>> mark at> wrote:
>>>>> Never mind...I found this project which converts KeePass2 files to
>>>>> KeePassX files.
>>>>> Not sure I want to trust the process, as I would have no idea how to
>>>>> make sure "something wasn't lost in the translation."
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 3:52 PM, Mark Phillips <
>>>>> mark at> wrote:
>>>>>> I just tried to open my KeePass2 database with KeePassX, and got the
>>>>>> error message - Wrong signature.
>>>>>> I keep my database on Dropbox and a key file on my hard drive. When I
>>>>>> used KeePassX to access the database on Dropbox, it did not show up in the
>>>>>> file finder until I selected all files. The database is .kdbx. I entered
>>>>>> the location of the database key file when prompted, and then entered my
>>>>>> password. That is when I go the error message.
>>>>>> Are these two programs compatible, or am I stuck with the
>>>>>> Windows/wine for my existing password repository?
>>>>>> I looked at the import options for KeePassX, and all I see are
>>>>>> KeePassX (xml), PWManager (pwm), or KWallwet (xml). Nothing for KeepPass2.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 6:13 PM, Ted Gould <ted at> wrote:
>>>>>>> I use KeePassXC (via the snap) and KeePass2Android. On my Ubuntu
>>>>>>> Desktop I have the file saved in the directory that NextCloud syncs and
>>>>>>> then have KeePass2Android also grab it from Nextcloud. Works great.
>>>>>>> Ted
>>>>>>> On 01/02/2018 01:13 PM, der.hans wrote:
>>>>>>> Am 02. Jan, 2018 schwätzte Mark Phillips so:
>>>>>>> moin moin Mark,
>>>>>>> I sync my files manually. Last I looked KeePassX still didn't have a
>>>>>>> viable sync option. A sync tool was probably the plugin I
>>>>>>> considered.
>>>>>>> Missing features include a tool for syncing files, a tool for
>>>>>>> exporting
>>>>>>> password sets and a use anywhere random stringerator.
>>>>>>> All easy to work around for an individual, but the sync features
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>> help a lot of team use.
>>>>>>> ciao,
>>>>>>> der.hans
>>>>>>> I forgot to add that I also use KeePass2Android, and I forget how
>>>>>>> the two
>>>>>>> stay synchronized. But it works well.
>>>>>>> Maybe I will download the two, KeePassX and KeePassDroid, and see if
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> can read my KeePass2 database.
>>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 11:36 AM, Jerry Snitselaar
>>>>>>> <dev at> <dev at>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue Jan 02 18, Carruth, Rusty wrote:
>>>>>>> My only interaction with the KeePas* suite resulted in not being
>>>>>>> able to
>>>>>>> read the database after an upgrade/update/something.
>>>>>>> I don’t remember which it was (2, x, whatever). The machine is at
>>>>>>> home.
>>>>>>> I’ll have to look, but I’m hoping we’ll get some reaction and info
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> maybe will point to a solution for me as well…
>>>>>>> There is an action in the database menu to import a keepass 1 format
>>>>>>> database. Perhaps the issue was that. I have a vague recollection of
>>>>>>> running into that at some point.
>>>>>>> From: PLUG-discuss [mailto:plug-discuss-bounces at
>>>>>>> <plug-discuss-bounces at>] On
>>>>>>> Behalf Of Mark Phillips
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2018 9:50 AM
>>>>>>> To: Main PLUG discussion list
>>>>>>> Subject: KeePass2 versus KeePassX
>>>>>>> Happy New Year to everyone!!
>>>>>>> I have been using KeePass2 on my Ubuntu machine for over 10 years
>>>>>>> (through wine), and I just discovered KeePassX as a native
>>>>>>> application. I
>>>>>>> use Keepass2 primarily as a password backup, as I also use LastPass
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> the chrome extension for my day to day password manager.
>>>>>>> I have a couple of questions about moving from KeePass2/wine to
>>>>>>> KeePassX.
>>>>>>> I found in one post that the differences that the database files are
>>>>>>> binary compatible. (
>>>>>>> ns/878902/whats-the-difference-between-keepass-and-keepassx). Can
>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>> confirm this?
>>>>>>> The only other difference (other that GUI related stuff) is that
>>>>>>> KeePass2
>>>>>>> has plugins and KeePassX does not. I am not using any plugins now.
>>>>>>> Are
>>>>>>> there any that you think are really valuable to have, and would be a
>>>>>>> reason
>>>>>>> not to switch?
>>>>>>> Should I switch to KeePassX? I am assuming I can get rid of wine and
>>>>>>> save
>>>>>>> some disk space, and run a native application instead of a wine
>>>>>>> application.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Mark
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Michael F. March ----- mmarch at
Ph: (415) 894-9269 ---- Fax: (602) 792-0370
Twitter: cowmix -------------- Skype: Cowmix
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