
Matt Graham mhgraham at crow202.org
Fri Sep 8 09:08:25 MST 2017

On 2017-09-07 11:40, Michael Butash wrote:
> For windoze images, I tend to give it 8gb of ram, as I do some
> complex visios that have gotten cranky with less.  [...]
> spawning vendor appliances from f5, palo alto, or fortinet tend to all
> want 4-8gb of ram as a start.  Throw in GNS3 routing instances for
> cisco things, and it goes quick there too.
> Libreoffice gets ram-hungry with some formula spreadsheets too,
> having seen it using ~20gb at times as well with some of the more huge
> price lists or interface config generating forms I use.
> I'd love to know how folks get by on 4 or 8gb of ram these days...

They're not using super-complex Visio things or running a bunch of 
networking appliances in separate VMs?  The latter seems like a thing 
very few people would need to do.  Gigantic spreadsheets are probably a 
more common thing.  I can't really say. Almost every spreadsheet I've 
seen in the last ten years has been "present textual data in a tabular 
format", not "do math on numbers", and they've almost all been under 
10,000 rows.

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