new thread: QoS, latency, bandwidth and the FCC/net neutrality debate

Steve Litt slitt at
Tue Nov 28 16:57:28 MST 2017

On Tue, 28 Nov 2017 16:04:18 -0700
Eric Oyen <eric.oyen at> wrote:

> Below is the text from an article covering net neutrality. It seems
> that we, out here, with our limited view of things might be missing
> the big picture.
> what is net neutrality?
> better yet, what is REAL net neutrality?
> anywya, this article might illuminate some of the real issues.

Cmon, Eric, it's very obvious this article has an agenda quite apart
from the Internet.

"Liberals oppose the free flow of information they can’t control"

This is a political hitpiece, and what, aside from them having
"thinker" in the website title, makes their opinion as expressed inthis
editorial any more credible than the opinion of the average person on
this list?

To examine their agenda, look at some of what they've written on the
Americans With Disability Act:


Steve Litt 
November 2017 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

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