Cox Gigablast
Eric Oyen
eric.oyen at
Sun Nov 19 19:01:34 MST 2017
oh joy! they would make you have to adapt to a new technology.
from the central offices of the Technomage Guild, You can't get there from here Dept.
On Nov 19, 2017, at 6:59 PM, Stephen Partington wrote:
> I am looking at a node.js nginx build because my current hosting company won't support node.js without a Vps and I cannot wrap my head around the Google cloud app engine yet for posting node.js yet.
> On Nov 19, 2017 6:50 PM, "Eric Oyen" <eric.oyen at> wrote:
> yep. :)
> I am going to have to setup a DMZ on my personal router pointed to a specific machine. there I will have to setup the web server, a site (which I will need to register) and a few other goodies. nice thing about my router, I can assign separate subnet segments to each port. this way, if anyone gets control of the web server, about all they can see is that subnet (and the administrative interface for the router will definitely be locked out on that port, so no control there either).
> my only questiild, IT support Dept.
> on, what to use as a web server (I am also looking at putting an SDR on there for remote hf/vhf/uhf/shf reception). I was thinking a raspberry pie late generation.
> -eric
> from the central offices of the Technomage Gu
> On Nov 19, 2017, at 5:48 PM, Stephen Partington wrote:
>> I got in when they were around 2 tb. And since then they reset it to unlimited.
>> Funny thing is running my own web server of an SSD cached Mac mini runs like a champ.
>> On Nov 19, 2017 5:29 PM, "Eric Oyen" <eric.oyen at> wrote:
>> well,
>> it took a little thinking to come up with the figure they quote for monthly usage.
>> Consider that a typical 1080p Hi-def video stream is about 750 Kb/sec. if left going 24/7 for 30 days, that would be 2.7 GB per hour or about 64 Gb per day. over the course of a month, that is: 1.944 Tb. now, so far as I know, no one leaves their TV on live stream 24/7 for 30 days.
>> so, given normal usage patterns (tv watching of about 20 hours per week), plus web browsing and email, etc, 1 TB would be max typical for a standard residential circuit.
>> now, I do have a room mate who falls asleep with the tv streaming some content or another, so it's quite possible that we are over 1 TB for the last 30 days. Since I am on biz class here, I don't have to worry about that 1 TB cap. :)
>> -eric
>> from the central offices of the Technomage Guild, Internet streaming Dept.
>> On Nov 19, 2017, at 4:31 PM, Brian Cluff wrote:
>>> Wow... so they are literally selling you a connection that you can exceed your monthly allowance in a little over 15 minutes of use if you could find a service that would saturate your connection.
>>> LAME!
>>> Brian Cluff
>>> On 11/19/2017 03:26 PM, Stephen Partington wrote:
>>>> Wow. Looks like they did change it right after I got it.
>>>> On Nov 19, 2017 12:48 PM, "Jerry Snitselaar" <dev at> wrote:
>>>> On Sun Nov 19 17, Stephen Partington wrote:
>>>> Last I read gigablast was 2t not 1.
>>>> What it shows on the page for services and offers is 1024gb. Could be a typo,
>>>> but the offer details page also said all plans offer 1024gb data. Will find
>>>> out when I call. :) Would be nice if it was 2t, that would mean I could drop
>>>> the $30 I pay for the extra 500gb cushion each month, and basically pay what
>>>> I'm paying now to get gigablast. I do think I remember seeing something at
>>>> one point where it was 2t, but that was a while ago.
>>>> On Nov 19, 2017 12:05 PM, <dev at> wrote:
>>>> On Sat Nov 18 17, Stephen Partington wrote:
>>>> This is what i had before gig. And the service was great. But i use way
>>>> more than 1t of data in a month. So gig was actually a savings.
>>>> They have capped new gigablast subscribers with the 1tb limit unfortunately.
>>>> If you had it prior to late Sept, then you continue to get the unlimited
>>>> data.
>>>> On Nov 18, 2017 4:38 PM, <celticgeek at> wrote:
>>>> I am using Cox Communications "Ultimate" package. 300 Mbps download, 30
>>>> Mbps upload, with measured values usually 5 to 10 percent above those
>>>> values. Also I get 1 Tbyte usage per month. the price is $100 per month.
>>>> I am very pleased with this service.
>>>> --------- Original Message ---------
>>>> Subject: Re: Cox Gigablast
>>>> From: "Eric Oyen" <eric.oyen at>
>>>> Date: 11/18/17 10:48 am
>>>> To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at>
>>>> let me dig up the sales number for cox business.
>>>> I couldn't find the phone number directly, but there is this site here:
>>>> I just called them through their residential number. they gave me this
>>>> number for direct contact: 800-529-5118 <(800)%20529-5118>
>>>> hope this helps.
>>>> btw, I am on cox business premier service. it's 50 mbits/11 mbits for only
>>>> $79 monthly. I also use chrome cast here from youtube tv for about $35 a
>>>> month. so, I am definitely spending over $140 less than I would be for
>>>> residential service (including tv).
>>>> hope this helps.
>>>> Eric Oyen
>>>> From the central offices of the Technomage Guild, Support Referrals Dept.
>>>> On Nov 18, 2017, at 10:33 AM, Snyder, Alexander J wrote:
>>>> I think I'll take you up on that. Any information on how I get to the
>>>> promised land would be very welcome!
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alex.
>>>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8+
>>>> On Nov 18, 2017 10:20, "Eric Oyen" <eric.oyen at> wrote:
>>>> you might have to call cox business and speak to Jame Hidalgo. He is my
>>>> contact over there. btw, business class internet doesn't suffer from the
>>>> hard cap that you got charged for this last time out. they might even
>>>> have
>>>> access to the fiber that you want.
>>>> now, sure, most of the tier 1 droids at residential customer service are
>>>> good people. However, anyone who has ever worked a CSr desk knows that
>>>> they
>>>> all have to run from a script.
>>>> anyway, if you call Jame Hidalgo at cox business, please tell him who
>>>> referred you.
>>>> Eric OYen
>>>> from the central office of the Technomage Guild, Internet services
>>>> referrals Dept.
>>>> On Nov 18, 2017, at 7:44 AM, techlists at wrote:
>>>> Asked for a supervisor.
>>>> On 2017-11-17 12:38, Snyder, Alexander J wrote:
>>>> Kind of irritated by this ...
>>>> Cox lays fiber in my subdivision, has the service trucks wrapped in
>>>> "Gigablast" vinyl adverts ...
>>>> Service folk gladly sharing that "it's for gigablast" ...
>>>> I did my giddy dance, nerdgasm, the whole 9 yards ...
>>>> #ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney
>>>> I called them each week and spoke to customer service folks that seemed
>>>> to be less informed than the guy last week ...
>>>> Bro ... that was 6 months ago. >:-(
>>>> The only major development was Cox billing me for going over 1TB a
>>>> bandwidth a month.
>>>> Friends in Auhtukee and Glendale have it, and are quite happy with it.
>>>> Why can't I have this happiness?
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> AloneAndHopless ...
>>>> ;-)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alex.
>>>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S8+
>>>> On Nov 17, 2017 12:13, "Jerry Snitselaar" <dev at> wrote:
>>>> Anyone using this service? It looks like it finally arrived in our
>>>> neighborhood. I'd prefer to try Google Fiber, but that seems to be
>>>> dead in the valley since their competitors complained about the deals
>>>> they were able to make with the cities. So tempted to upgrade to this.
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