A good day for Linux... :)

kitepilot at kitepilot.com kitepilot at kitepilot.com
Fri Nov 10 10:26:16 MST 2017

Unofficial (and unauthorized) disclosure: 

As of tomorrow, the first Linux-based 'FAA positions' (air traffic 
controller boxes) will be officially deployed in the 'En Route Air Traffic 
Control System'. 

That means that some controllers will be using Linux boxes instead of AIX 
boxes to move *YOUR* airplane from here to there.
And that's only the tip of the iceberg...   :) 

For those of you 'uninitiated', there are essentially 4 phases to any 
ground and take off,
departure (or approach),
transition and,
'en route'
'en route' will be all Linux in the future. 

As a 'Computer Geek' (and Linux user of 1.5 decades) worming on that 
software and a Commercial Pilot that talks over the radio with those 
controllers, I am pretty thrilled about it...

PS: Contact your congress representative and OPPOSE Air Traffic Control 
It will affect you in ways that you don't even imagine...

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