(OT) Backup Software Suggestions

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Thu Jan 26 14:10:19 MST 2017

+1 on the hard links.  I do the same thing and depending on the type of 
data and size of files you can keep hundreds of backups in a fairly 
negligible space, and the best part is that every single backup appears 
on the system as a complete backup so you don't have to worry about 
merging any kind of incremental backups.

I once had a client that kept a backup like that and had 5 years of 
daily backups all on a single 1TB drive.  There were actually so many 
files backed up that it took a week of 24/7 deleting to thin out the 
backups.  His backup script now goes back and thins out older backups on 
the fly so I don't have to remember to clean then out from time to time, 
but he still has a fairly good amount of backups in order to roll back 
to a specific time.

Brian Cluff

On 01/26/2017 12:53 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> My rsync system keeps old backups differentially, but in a way (with
> hard links) not requiring you to build up a backup from several diffs.
> It's the best of both worlds.

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