techlists at phpcoderusa.com techlists at phpcoderusa.com
Mon Dec 25 06:38:44 MST 2017

Hi All, 

Y2K was 18 years ago.  Do you remember where you were?  I do.  

I had just gotten off a large Y2K project and my wife and I did some
prepping...  Looking back we did not do enough given the potential for
catastrophic failure.   

We stayed up all night glued to the TV watching as each time zone passed
into Y2K.  As I recall there was two minor issues.  A small power
station had some issues... and I do not recall the other one. 

I remember there was a lot of speculation because there was so much
technology out there that was untested and it was uncertain if it would
fail or continue once Y2K was reached.  And in 1999 there was so much
less technology than there is today....
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