Anyone here run their own email server for personal use?

Steven stevensspam at
Sat Dec 16 18:13:37 MST 2017

On the subject of self-hosting your own email server, do any of the 
self-hosting webmail options offer gmail style tagging?

On 12/16/2017 09:24 AM, Andrew McRobb wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
> I was thinking of running my own email server for personal use and 
> maybe a PBX system using FreeSwitch (also to avoid spam phone calls) 
> in my min-farm. Google surprisingly bad at detecting spam, and I know 
> I could maybe throw together a simple SMTP setup perhaps using 
> something already made or throw something together in Erlang. -- Just 
> like the ability to control every aspect of the server, IMHO. Anyone 
> have experience in this department, that could give me any tips?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> Andrew McRobb
> Full-time Software Developer
> Part-time Freelancer

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