accessible web-authoring system

der.hans PLUGd at
Fri Apr 28 22:08:06 MST 2017

Am 28. Apr, 2017 schwätzte Eric Oyen so:

moin moin Eric,

please pass the message along. I'm personally interested in knowing about
an accessible content management system in addition to knowing someone
with a specific need.




> mind if I forward this over to the Blinux Redhat list?
> -eric
> from the central office of the Technomage Guild, random thoughts Dept.
> On Apr 28, 2017, at 12:32 PM, der.hans wrote:
>> moin moin,
>> anyone have experience with an accessible Free Software web-authoring
>> system?
>> A friend works in accessibiilty ( all sorts of physical and mental
>> handicaps ) and is asking for a recommendation.
>> I presume Drupal, Joomla! and WordPress have plugins to help, but I have
>> no experience. The closest thing I have to experience is demos from some
>> blind guys using emacs for their own infrastructure. Amazing, but not the
>> first thing to suggest.
>> ciao,
>> der.hans
>> --
>> #
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