TempleOS, was: a lot of websites seem to be down.....

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Tue Nov 15 22:33:09 MST 2016

Anon Anon[1]
>> What OS should I be using? http://www.templeos.org/

Carruth, Rusty[2]
> Anon anon, you’re too funny

Yeah, but not like the TempleOS guy, who sounds like he was huffing solder fumes at a tender age ...

>>> I, Terry Davis, am high priest of God's official third temple, TempleOS.
>>> TempleOS is an operating system for IBM PC x86_64 desktops that will always dual
>>> boot along-side Windows or Linux.  I am in charge of the core 100,000 lines of
>>> TempleOS code and I do continual offerings to keep God entertained.  I have
>>> divine authority to command any company in the computer industry to do anything
>>> that I deem necessary to make God's temple more beautiful, glorious and perfect.
>>> I have oversight authority similar to a building inspector or a person enforcing
>>> the Americans with Disability Act --

... and apparently has never been to Pinal County, where all that shit is strictly optional ...

>>> I make commands, God signs-off with a miraculous authentication from an oracle, and Intel, Microsoft or VMware obeys.

but Stallmann and Torvalds do not obey !-) IIUC, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>

[1]: http://lists.phxlinux.org/lurker/message/20161115.130206.45fcb6a3.en.html
[2]: http://lists.phxlinux.org/lurker/message/20161115.160603.1926301e.en.html
[3]: http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Doc/Demands.html#l1

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