Having Fits with NVidia Graphics Card on new laptop

Richard Wilson relw10 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 15:15:01 MST 2016

My son got a new MSI laptop that has a GeForce GTX 1020 video card that
neither of us have been able to get working correctly under Linux.  Steps
we've taken:

repartioned the built in 250 GB SSD roughly in half -- Windows 10 was
installed here.
repartioned the builtin 1TB drive to give most of it to Linux

Successfully installed the KDE spin of Fedora 24 and applied all the

The Issue: the system will not recognize a 2nd monitor connected to the
HDMI port.

We have tried to install the appropriate nVidia drivers using the script
from nVidia's download site, then the nVidia RPM's from rpmfusion.org.
Both times the result was a corrupted system -- so bad that the only
recourse was to reinstall Linux.  Before trying the last time, I had my son
make a dd copy of the entire linux partition that contained everything from
the SSD to the hard drive (dd if=/dev/sda6 of=/home2/backup/sda6.dd
bs=64k...) in single user mode.  When we tried to reboot to run level 5,
after applying the nvidia rpm's, we got scrolling PCI bus errors.  We tried
a restore of the backup and it turned up missing critical system files...
back to reinstall again.

My son is home from Prescott this weekend and I would really like to help
him get his system running well -- any help/pointers anyone can offer on
getting the nVidia drivers working would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

Richard Wilson
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