OT - starting a project

Thomas Cameron thomas.cameron at camerontech.com
Wed May 18 06:34:35 MST 2016

Have you looked at e.g. Eclipse as an IDE? It has a zillion plugins,
might work for the editing you need.

On 05/17/2016 11:37 PM, David Schwartz wrote:
> Well, the graphical editor is really a facade needed to do further work.
> I’m not aware of any that have the features I need to proceed, so the
> first task is to adapt or build an editor that does what I need. Then
> proceed from there.
> I’m after something that gets into graphical software design. That is,
> GUI-based software design. Nothing like I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a
> bunch of stuff.
> I have some ideas that I’d like to see fleshed-out that could result in
> some interesting snapshot projects along the way.
> Maybe it’s something a couple of college students who need a summer
> project could help with?
> (I hesitate to say “interns”, but … whatever works. Except I can’t pay
> them anything.)
> -David Schwartz
>     On May 17, 2016, at 8:55 PM, Thomas Cameron
>     <thomas.cameron at camerontech.com> wrote:
>     On 05/17/2016 06:38 PM, David Schwartz wrote:
>         Hey, guys, I have a very general question
>         There’s an idea I’ve had for quite a while, and was chatting
>         with someone recently who suggested I set up an open-source kind
>         of project for it.
>         The problem is, I don’t really want to do the programming on it.
>         I want to be the architect and direct some other developers.
>         So what’s the best way to find a couple of people who’d like to
>         work on an app part-time?
>         Honetsly, I don’t care what it’s implemented in initially; a
>         browser app is fine, but it needs to read and write to a file
>         system (local and/or cloud-based).
>         Right now I’m just looking to build a proof-of-concept model and
>         extend it one step at a time.
>         The main architecture is an interactive graphical editor roughly
>         similar to Visio, but then it goes off into some interesting
>         directoins.
>         Any ideas?
>     I've actually toyed with an idea like this for a while. I have an
>     idea for a project, but my problem is that I am not qualified to
>     code it. I'm just not a very good programmer at all, much more a
>     sysadmin type.
>     The only way I can really think to get something like this going is
>     to maybe pay for the first version of development, like a cheap
>     offshore developer in Russia or India, then make it open source. If
>     it's a good idea, if there's enough interest in it, if there's
>     enough value in it, you'll attract contributors. It's a heck of a
>     lot easier for folks to look at what you've got and tell you how to
>     make it better than to start with a clean sheet of paper. See
>     https://medium.com/@ienjoy/mcdonalds-theory-9216e1c9da7d#.5b83cmmoh
>     <https://u2206659.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=3cK2FVJjyu2N-2Bxco034fZmcqd4CBKIc9As-2Fy6egIUulbtScFFSgeuhpZHhkRl-2BcoQOcsiuzT9-2F8pb1wNffyx3O2Z-2BXHTET55dE5DF4SMmPM-3D_6lpMB7VLnN-2Fj9-2FEErg8-2F-2BMBpb5QxlByTgv2M3fbWD9ebvC-2BWrN3h7jImK8EVWYBeay-2BdA4WDe-2FUMiY9iqFROSZJVcM5MgTC-2FzTUzeilIpUlLrWMNQSG4zMlFPmYKWsASUXtAoDXzw03GAIFq3Oc2-2FMYd2-2B5-2BHFU06rllIDsUTylrMRhwfPHJYd0guo7uRkY4UdrLRmaYPPgI8c0YrJjXno1L8XJvvUkfSyQcqmAwM40-3D>
>     Just a thought.
>     Thomas ---------------------------------------------------
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