Intro to programing-ish game: Human Resource Machine

Brian Cluff brian at
Wed May 4 16:24:23 MST 2016

The Humble Bundle has some really good games in it right now, but the 
one that caught my eye is by the makers of World of Goo, called Human 
Resource Machine.  It's a game where you have to write programs using 
very basic steps to direct a human to take things from an inbox and put 
it into an outbox with various processing in between.  It really makes 
you think about the process of doing things and gets you into a 
programing mind set.  It can also teach little guys to know their math 
inside and out since it will have you doing stuff like multiplying 
numbers when all you can do is add.

Even if your kids don't like it, it's a really fun game that I've been 
playing like crazy the last couple of days.

Get it while you still can.  The Humble bundle only has a couple of days 
left on it.

Brian Cluff

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