Meeting: PLUG Thurs, March 10th

Steve Litt slitt at
Fri Mar 11 11:54:07 MST 2016

On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 02:30:28 -0700
Joseph Sinclair <plug-discussion at> wrote:

> As promised, here are the links from the last slide:
> 					Further Reading
> Eliyahu M. Goldratt
> Thinking
> Processes

In my opinion, every English speaker on the planet should read "The
Goal" by Eliyahu Goldratt and Jeff Cox. The first time I read it, it
changed my life, even though I didn't understand a few things.

The second time I read it, I marveled at how much I hadn't understood
the first time.

By now, I've read it five or six times, and I *think* I understand it
all, but I'll read it a few more times just to be sure (and to once
again be entertained --- it's a very entertaining book).

After reading "The Goal", you'll never be the same. Once you've read
it, the first time you have a slow program and some cretin blurts out
that you should write it in C instead of Python, you'll have to try
very hard to keep from laughing.

I write productivity enhancement books for a living, and have a lot of
feedback about how my books helped peoples careers. But, before reading
my books, I'd recommend you spend your next $20 reading "The Goal".
It's the biggest bang for your reading buck that you'll ever encounter.


Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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