restore with rsync or fix window manager

Brian Cluff brian at
Sun Jan 10 09:31:11 MST 2016

Think of the rsync line as:
Put the first directory listed INTO the second directory listed.

So you need to do:

rsync -aWq /media/bmike1/RedSanDisk/Documents /home/bmike1/

Brian Cluff

On 01/10/2016 06:07 AM, Michael Havens wrote:
> Hey... how can I rsync just the stuff in a folder.
> rsync -auq --include ~/Documents /media/bmike1/<tba>/Documents
> will create a backup of Documents But when I restore it with:
> bmike1 at MikesBeast ~ $ rsync -aWq /media/bmike1/RedSanDisk/Documents 
> /home/bmike1/Documents/
> it creates a Documents in the Documents directory. Why did it do that. 
> What command should I have entered?
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