bulk scale
Michael Havens
bmike1 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 1 08:59:48 MST 2016
I just learned that it is possible to deform the original image so that it
will only show as the dimensions specified.
the way the instructions are shown is:
100x200 will create an image with theses dimensions. The original picture
will keep its ratio W/H.100x200\! will also create an image with theses
dimensions, but image inside will be deformed to stick the new dimensions.
– MTranchant <http://stackoverflow.com/users/1177908/mtranchant> Jan 29
'15 at 9:37
well I attempted to add the '/!' in various positions none of which worked.
I did a websearch for 'convert "\!"' but got no hits. Any ideas as to how
to get un unchanging pic?
bmike1 at c521 ~/Documents/Business/PropertyPhotographing/20151228/test $
convert '*.JPG[1600x]\!' test%03d.jpg
convert.im6: unable to open image `*.JPG[1600x]\!': No such file or
directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.
convert.im6: no decode delegate for this image format `*.JPG[1600x]\!' @
convert.im6: no images defined `test%03d.jpg' @
bmike1 at c521 ~/Documents/Business/PropertyPhotographing/20151228/test $
convert '*.JPG[1600x]'\! test%03d.jpg
convert.im6: unable to open image `*.JPG[1600x]!': No such file or
directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.
convert.im6: no decode delegate for this image format `*.JPG[1600x]!' @
convert.im6: no images defined `test%03d.jpg' @
bmike1 at c521 ~/Documents/Business/PropertyPhotographing/20151228/test $
convert '*.JPG[1600x\!]' test%03d.jpg
convert.im6: unable to open image `*.JPG[1600x\!]': No such file or
directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2638.
convert.im6: no decode delegate for this image format `*.JPG[1600x\!]' @
convert.im6: no images defined `test%03d.jpg' @
On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 8:52 AM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks bo... in my man of convert I couldn't find the word width... so I
> found what I was looking for on the web (finally!).
> So then I fed the numbers in the way was described and PRESTO it did it!
> Imagemagick geometry: 'width'x'height' If you leave one part empty, this
> means resize proportional.
> Examples:
> 100x200 # width = 100, height = 200
> 300x # width = 300, height = proportional
> x300 # width = proportional, height = 300
> For example, to resize all PNG images in a directory to 100 pixels wide and transform them to JPEG:
> mkdir thumbnails
> for i in originals/*.png; do
> convert $i -resize 100x thumbnails/$(basename $i .png).jpg;
> done
> So then I fed the numbers in the way was described:
> $ convert '*.JPG[1600x]' test1%03d.jpg
> and PRESTO it did it!
> On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 8:26 AM, Bob Elzer <bob.elzer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> man convert | less
>> Then. In less type
>> /width
>> To find width
>> On Jan 1, 2016 6:02 AM, "Michael Havens" <bmike1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> yeah, I tried that. it can't find the word 'width'!
>>> convert -width1600 '*.JPG' <desired name>%03d.jpg
>>> doesn't do it either. or
>>> convert --width1600 '*.JPG' <desired name>%03d.jpg
>>> or
>>> convert -geometrywidth1600 '*.JPG' <desired name>%03d.jpg
>>> convert --geometrywidth1600 '*.JPG' <desired name>%03d.jpg
>>> convert --geometry-width1600 '*.JPG' <desired name>%03d.jpg
>>> On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 7:17 AM, Bob Elzer <bob.elzer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Try typing. man convert
>>>> On Dec 31, 2015 10:53 PM, "Michael Havens" <bmike1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Okay.... I just ran the program again except this time gave the 'Y'
>>>>> axis a value of 1200..... (how strange.... I just scaled an image to find
>>>>> out the 'Y' access was scaling to and discovered it was 1200. I could swear
>>>>> it was 1975 or something similar to that). Well I guess I'll ask anyways:
>>>>> how do you scale one axis proportionately to the other.
>>>>> Okay guys.... does this look good?
>>>>> Bulk scale
>>>>> for FILE in *.JPG ; do
>>>>> NEWFILE=`echo "$FILE" | sed -e 's/.JPG$/<desiredname>.JPG/'`
>>>>> convert '*.JPG[1600x1200]' <desired name>%03d.jpg
>>>>> done
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 8:33 PM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> What did I do?
>>>>>> $ for FILE in *.JPG ; do NEWFILE=`echo "$FILE" | sed -e
>>>>>> 's/.JPG$/_resized.jpg/'`; convert '*.JPG[1600x0]' *.jpg; done
>>>>>> ^C
>>>>>> bmike1 at c521 ~/Documents/Business/PropertyPhotographing/20151228/test
>>>>>> $ ls
>>>>>> *-0.jpg *-9-126.jpg *-9-190.jpg *-9-254.jpg *-9-318.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-76.jpg
>>>>>> *-10.jpg *-9-127.jpg *-9-191.jpg *-9-255.jpg *-9-319.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-77.jpg
>>>>>> *-11.jpg *-9-128.jpg *-9-192.jpg *-9-256.jpg *-9-31.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-78.jpg
>>>>>> *-12.jpg *-9-129.jpg *-9-193.jpg *-9-257.jpg *-9-320.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-79.jpg
>>>>>> *-13.jpg *-9-12.jpg *-9-194.jpg *-9-258.jpg *-9-321.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-7.jpg
>>>>>> *-14.jpg *-9-130.jpg *-9-195.jpg *-9-259.jpg *-9-322.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-80.jpg
>>>>>> *-15.jpg *-9-131.jpg *-9-196.jpg *-9-25.jpg *-9-323.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-81.jpg
>>>>>> *-16.jpg *-9-132.jpg *-9-197.jpg *-9-260.jpg *-9-324.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-82.jpg
>>>>>> *-17.jpg *-9-133.jpg *-9-198.jpg *-9-261.jpg *-9-325.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-83.jpg
>>>>>> *-18.jpg *-9-134.jpg *-9-199.jpg *-9-262.jpg *-9-326.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-84.jpg
>>>>>> *-19.jpg *-9-135.jpg *-9-19.jpg *-9-263.jpg *-9-327.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-85.jpg
>>>>>> *-1.jpg *-9-136.jpg *-9-1.jpg *-9-264.jpg *-9-328.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-86.jpg
>>>>>> *-20.jpg *-9-137.jpg *-9-200.jpg *-9-265.jpg *-9-329.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-87.jpg
>>>>>> *-21.jpg *-9-138.jpg *-9-201.jpg *-9-266.jpg *-9-32.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-88.jpg
>>>>>> *-22.jpg *-9-139.jpg *-9-202.jpg *-9-267.jpg *-9-330.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-89.jpg
>>>>>> *-23.jpg *-9-13.jpg *-9-203.jpg *-9-268.jpg *-9-331.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-8.jpg
>>>>>> *-24.jpg *-9-140.jpg *-9-204.jpg *-9-269.jpg *-9-332.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-90.jpg
>>>>>> *-25.jpg *-9-141.jpg *-9-205.jpg *-9-26.jpg *-9-333.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-91.jpg
>>>>>> *-26.jpg *-9-142.jpg *-9-206.jpg *-9-270.jpg *-9-334.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-92.jpg
>>>>>> *-27.jpg *-9-143.jpg *-9-207.jpg *-9-271.jpg *-9-335.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-93.jpg
>>>>>> *-28.jpg *-9-144.jpg *-9-208.jpg *-9-272.jpg *-9-336.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-94.jpg
>>>>>> *-29.jpg *-9-145.jpg *-9-209.jpg *-9-273.jpg *-9-337.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-95.jpg
>>>>>> *-2.jpg *-9-146.jpg *-9-20.jpg *-9-274.jpg *-9-338.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-96.jpg
>>>>>> *-30.jpg *-9-147.jpg *-9-210.jpg *-9-275.jpg *-9-339.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-97.jpg
>>>>>> *-31.jpg *-9-148.jpg *-9-211.jpg *-9-276.jpg *-9-33.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-98.jpg
>>>>>> *-32.jpg *-9-149.jpg *-9-212.jpg *-9-277.jpg *-9-34.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-99.jpg
>>>>>> *-33.jpg *-9-14.jpg *-9-213.jpg *-9-278.jpg *-9-35.jpg
>>>>>> *-9-9.jpg
>>>>>> *-34.jpg *-9-150.jpg *-9-214.jpg *-9-279.jpg *-9-36.jpg
>>>>>> *-9.jpg
>>>>>> *-35.jpg *-9-151.jpg *-9-215.jpg *-9-27.jpg *-9-37.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01021.JPG
>>>>>> *-36.jpg *-9-152.jpg *-9-216.jpg *-9-280.jpg *-9-38.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01022.JPG
>>>>>> *-37.jpg *-9-153.jpg *-9-217.jpg *-9-281.jpg *-9-39.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01023.JPG
>>>>>> *-38.jpg *-9-154.jpg *-9-218.jpg *-9-282.jpg *-9-3.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01024.JPG
>>>>>> *-39.jpg *-9-155.jpg *-9-219.jpg *-9-283.jpg *-9-40.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01025.JPG
>>>>>> *-3.jpg *-9-156.jpg *-9-21.jpg *-9-284.jpg *-9-41.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01026.JPG
>>>>>> *-40.jpg *-9-157.jpg *-9-220.jpg *-9-285.jpg *-9-42.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01027.JPG
>>>>>> *-41.jpg *-9-158.jpg *-9-221.jpg *-9-286.jpg *-9-43.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01028.2.JPG
>>>>>> *-42.jpg *-9-159.jpg *-9-222.jpg *-9-287.jpg *-9-44.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01029.JPG
>>>>>> *-4.jpg *-9-15.jpg *-9-223.jpg *-9-288.jpg *-9-45.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01030.JPG
>>>>>> *-5.jpg *-9-160.jpg *-9-224.jpg *-9-289.jpg *-9-46.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01031.JPG
>>>>>> *-6.jpg *-9-161.jpg *-9-225.jpg *-9-28.jpg *-9-47.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01032.JPG
>>>>>> *-7.jpg *-9-162.jpg *-9-226.jpg *-9-290.jpg *-9-48.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01033.JPG
>>>>>> *-8.jpg *-9-163.jpg *-9-227.jpg *-9-291.jpg *-9-49.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01034.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-0.jpg *-9-164.jpg *-9-228.jpg *-9-292.jpg *-9-4.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01035.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-100.jpg *-9-165.jpg *-9-229.jpg *-9-293.jpg *-9-50.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01036.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-101.jpg *-9-166.jpg *-9-22.jpg *-9-294.jpg *-9-51.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01037.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-102.jpg *-9-167.jpg *-9-230.jpg *-9-295.jpg *-9-52.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01038.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-103.jpg *-9-168.jpg *-9-231.jpg *-9-296.jpg *-9-53.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01039.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-104.jpg *-9-169.jpg *-9-232.jpg *-9-297.jpg *-9-54.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01040.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-105.jpg *-9-16.jpg *-9-233.jpg *-9-298.jpg *-9-55.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01041.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-106.jpg *-9-170.jpg *-9-234.jpg *-9-299.jpg *-9-56.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01042.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-107.jpg *-9-171.jpg *-9-235.jpg *-9-29.jpg *-9-57.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01043.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-108.jpg *-9-172.jpg *-9-236.jpg *-9-2.jpg *-9-58.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01044.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-109.jpg *-9-173.jpg *-9-237.jpg *-9-300.jpg *-9-59.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01045.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-10.jpg *-9-174.jpg *-9-238.jpg *-9-301.jpg *-9-5.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01046.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-110.jpg *-9-175.jpg *-9-239.jpg *-9-302.jpg *-9-60.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01047.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-111.jpg *-9-176.jpg *-9-23.jpg *-9-303.jpg *-9-61.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01048.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-112.jpg *-9-177.jpg *-9-240.jpg *-9-304.jpg *-9-62.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01049.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-113.jpg *-9-178.jpg *-9-241.jpg *-9-305.jpg *-9-63.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01050.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-114.jpg *-9-179.jpg *-9-242.jpg *-9-306.jpg *-9-64.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01051.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-115.jpg *-9-17.jpg *-9-243.jpg *-9-307.jpg *-9-65.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01052.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-116.jpg *-9-180.jpg *-9-244.jpg *-9-308.jpg *-9-66.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01053.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-117.jpg *-9-181.jpg *-9-245.jpg *-9-309.jpg *-9-67.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01054.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-118.jpg *-9-182.jpg *-9-246.jpg *-9-30.jpg *-9-68.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01055.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-119.jpg *-9-183.jpg *-9-247.jpg *-9-310.jpg *-9-69.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01056.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-11.jpg *-9-184.jpg *-9-248.jpg *-9-311.jpg *-9-6.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01057.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-120.jpg *-9-185.jpg *-9-249.jpg *-9-312.jpg *-9-70.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01058.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-121.jpg *-9-186.jpg *-9-24.jpg *-9-313.jpg *-9-71.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01059.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-122.jpg *-9-187.jpg *-9-250.jpg *-9-314.jpg *-9-72.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01060.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-123.jpg *-9-188.jpg *-9-251.jpg *-9-315.jpg *-9-73.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01061.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-124.jpg *-9-189.jpg *-9-252.jpg *-9-316.jpg *-9-74.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01062.JPG
>>>>>> *-9-125.jpg *-9-18.jpg *-9-253.jpg *-9-317.jpg *-9-75.jpg
>>>>>> DSC01063.JPG
>>>>>> I had to ctrl-c out of it but it doesn't seem to have done
>>>>>> anything. The images are just gray .
>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 5:29 PM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> thanks Matt. You post as I was typing.
>>>>>>> Hows this according to the page you sent and the instructions you
>>>>>>> sent and throwing a character from the instructions I found:
>>>>>>> for FILE in *.jpg ; do
>>>>>>> NEWFILE=`echo "$FILE" | sed -e 's/.jpg$/_resized.jpg/'`
>>>>>>> convert '*.jpg[1600x0]' *.jpg
>>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> forgot to mention the image needs to be close to 1600x1200.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 5:02 PM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> it is bit more complex than I at first thought so I need to seek
>>>>>>>>> more advice:
>>>>>>>>> So, I am going to put all of the files that need to be resized
>>>>>>>>> into their own folder. Then to accomplish the task I would open terminal
>>>>>>>>> and go to the directory mentioned previously and in it type:
>>>>>>>>> <?php
>>>>>>>>> $im = new Imagick('*');
>>>>>>>>> $im->scaleImage(1600, 0);
>>>>>>>>> ?>
>>>>>>>>> and that should do the trick?
>>>>>>>>> (ref http://php.net/manual/en/imagick.scaleimage.php)
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 4:07 PM, sean <sean.a.ritzler at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Use ImageMagick instead - it's designed for this and is quite
>>>>>>>>>>> powerful.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 31, 2015 1:57 PM, "Michael Havens" <bmike1 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there a way to scale a bunch of pictures down to the same
>>>>>>>>>>>> size with GIMP?
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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>>>>>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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