Upgrade old laptop with SSD

Stephen Partington cryptworks at gmail.com
Mon Feb 29 21:09:34 MST 2016

But not an inconceivable amount more. I mainly suggest it because of the
On Feb 29, 2016 8:06 PM, "Keith Smith" <techlists at phpcoderusa.com> wrote:

> Thank you for your feedback Stephen!!
> I assume you are recommending Samsung Evo 850?
> I was looking at the Kingston because of price.  One of the ratings said
> Kingston was not as fast as others.  You said "Samsung Evo 850....(they are
> also  wicked fast)".
> The cost more too.
> On 2016-02-29 09:44, Stephen Partington wrote:
>> The lifespan will depend entirely on the number of Writes the drive
>> will incur. The first thing you want to do once the Os is installed is
>> to reduce this. If you have enough ram and are comfortable with nos
>> wap go for it. If you want the backup i would suggest pushing
>> swappiness all the way over so that it is used only if there is no
>> ram.
>> Most SSD's will give you a 3 year warranty. Samsung with their Evo 850
>>  drives and the new vnand are offering 5 year warranty. (they are also
>> wicked fast).
>> That being said. with minimal writes I have seen older SSD's last for
>> much longer than their supplied 3 year warranty (I have one that is
>> pushing 6 right now).
>> With an SSD the general user experience will be pretty good, but
>> Anytime you run updates it will still crawl, regardless fo the SSD :-)
>> On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 8:49 AM, Keith Smith
>> <techlists at phpcoderusa.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I have an older laptop. Not sure when I bought it. I'm thinking I
>>> bought it before 2009, however the CPU is an AMD 3300M which
>>> according to what I am reading was not in production until 2011. It
>>> has 4G of RAM and a 500GB HD. It's running Win7, which is a little
>>> slow.
>>> I was thinking of replacing the HD with an SSD and potentially
>>> making it into a "Chromebook".... (Thunderbird/Libre Office/ Chrome
>>> Browser) I'm reading the SSD's are 10x faster than the HD. There
>>> has been prior discussions about breathing life into old hardware by
>>> replacing the HD with SSD and installing Linux (now we are on
>>> topic).
>>> Initially I was thinking a small SSD since I will probably never
>>> use this laptop in production... But you never know. If these mods
>>> work out I might dual boot it - Win7 / Mint 17 KDE.
>>> Newegg is selling a 240G Kingston SSD for $65 which is probably way
>>> more storage than I would ever need.
>>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820721108 [1]
>>> What type of lifespan should I expect for an SSD with moderate
>>> usage?
>>> Anything specific I should be looking at?
>>> Thank you so much for your help!!
>>> --
>>> Keith Smith
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>> --
>> A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
>> rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
>> Stephen
>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820721108
>> [2] http://lists.phxlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-discuss
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> --
> Keith Smith
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