youth activities for SCaLE
PLUGd at
Mon Aug 1 23:46:38 MST 2016
Am 29. Jul, 2016 schwätzte Victor Odhner so:
moin moin Victor,
> Oops. Downtown Pasadena? You didn’t mention that part. You mentioned
> ASU which implies a local event. What am I missing?
I mentioned SCaLE. Since many of us attend every year, I presumed everyone
knows what it is. I should not have made that presumption. Sorry.
While my original post is about the Free Software conference in LA that
doesn't preclude PLUG from hosting activities here :).
> Jupiter should be back around by next March, and it will show through
> anything. But it won’t be rising till well into the evening, in early
> March, so the moon (first quarter) would be the only bright thing. Of
> course my 8-incher is pretty good at showing stars you can’t see with
> naked eye.
Hmm, maybe we should schedule another space night, then follow it up with
some space viewing activities, possibly on a different night.
Maybe Schuyler can teach us how to listen to the background radiation :).
> Offer stands for local astronomy sessions. And yes, there is a local
> group that does that.
Cool on both counts.
> ______________
> On Jul 29, 2016, at 01:30:17, der.hans <PLUGd at> wrote:
> Am 29. Jul, 2016 schwätzte Victor Odhner so:
> moin moin,
>> Is this just a daytime thing? I acquired an 8” computerized telescope,
> In this case, mostly. What I'm talking about is daytime, but there's a
> game night activity on Saturday night. It's still in downtime Pasadena, so
> not too much dark sky, but we might be able to find a decent place to put
> up a telescope.
> As it turns out, I had already emailed a friend who participateѕ in Linux
> Astronomy. I will have to ask him about the possibilities.
>> giving stargazing parties for kids, but it has to be at least a little
>> dark for that to be any fun. (If anyone is interested in this, even
>> outside of SCaLE, I might be available for some random opportunities.)
> Astronomy is cool. I know ASU does a regular astronomy event. I don't if
> it is a bring your own device type of thing. I'm certain we have some
> astronomy groups here in town. Wonder if anyone's participating in Linux
> Astronomy or something like that.
> ciao,
> der.hans
>> ____________________
>> On Jul 29, 2016, at 00:23:02, der.hans <PLUGd at> wrote:
>> moin moin,
>> SCaLE is the first weekend in March next year.
>> Once again it will have a Next Generation track on Saturday.
>> In conversation with the SCaLE team I suggested a youth room with
>> activities for kids. As can happen, it was suggested that the suggester,
>> me, implement said suggestion :).
>> My initial thought was games for kids and maybe a lock pick village if we
>> can find someone to run that. Others suggested soldering and other
>> activities I had conveniently left off my initial suggestion.
>> Is anyone interested in helping out?
>> I want to make sure I have a few volunteers before I say yes. I'm
>> perfectly happy to lead or help someone else.
>> We could make it a Saturday only thing or also continue on Sunday.
>> ciao,
>> der.hans
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